Check out the goodies hairlip got Me. MY adorable Sony laptop, the computer storage thingie, and a pretty orchid. he also just got Me a new Ed Hardy purse, some eye shadow and some other smaller items. hairlip good slave, Princess fan bad slave.
$200 from sierrasfreak and $400 from sissy tommikins.
Goodies have been disappearing off MY wishlist including a snow blower, several coats and shoes. Love it!
This weekend we had awesome indian food and watched Quarentine and hit the mall for some shopping. I bought some new mascara and lip stain at Sephora, so of course I am going to make you fuckers help ME stock up on it. I updated new items to My amazon wishlist. fatmac had a wimp attack and bought a couple pairs of shoes for Me off MY wishlist and promised MY girlfriend a new pair of shoes as soon as She picks them out. I made fagarina promise $200 and we are expecting $1300 from the unroyal fool. It’s coming through the mail from australia. Yay lots of yummy crispies! pedro sent $200 and I’m still fucking waiting for his other payment! Hurry the fuck up, pedro or I will make you wish you were DEAD!
hahaha tittyboy is such a freak. I still have to decide on which picture of Me I want tatoo’ed on his freakish body. I want one that focuses on MY hair, curls and twirls twining everywhere..I think I want to get a mermaid/siren affect on it where MY hair is like spread out and reaching out all over the place.a picture of ME with piercing eyes and an evil smirk. Keep starving you fat bitch!! I can’t pimp you out as easily when you are such a big heffah!
1grandhatpost.jpg gets my vote, not that my vote matters, but he could point to it and tell Johns “thats my Pimp”.
Or perhaps he should get several Princess Sierra Tatoos since your beauty has such depth, one photo of you is not nearly enough.
PRINCESS, oh that is the picture!!
David Barret: You are a disgrace. You are supoose to be a fireman. Little children look up to you. And you are on the internet doing all this fucked up shit. Asso!
Princess your new Sony laptop is pretty, just like you.
Princess Sierra,
has the perfect life, she gets what she wants. i guess she doesn’t have to work. all day she can do what she wants.
and have stupid faggot men pay everything for her.
and what do they get back a ruined life, and they all love it, because princess is there god.
Princess you are Right! AGAIN! tittyboy is a fat porker. I look much better in a dress heels and lipstick and my hair is real I do not need a wig. 🙂
Do you pimp out ‘titty boy’? hilarious! What sort of freak wants to bang it?
i’d love to see some pics of this person who looks so good in a dress and heels and who doesn’t need a wig. Sounds like you have absolutely no reason to be shy, if that’s the case. i’m sure you’d only make me jealous, afterall.
i love YOU, Princess! i hope YOU have had a great week.
Was that a Joke Look up 2 tittyboy… We Look up 2 PRINCESS SIERRA ALMIGHTY AKA GOD
Yeah after reading your comment. Your right I guess it must be a joke.