Shalom fo shizzle!

Shalom fo shizzle!

Awww look at Me! This is a no make-up picture. I don’t even have My eyebrows done or My mascara or base on.  But I HAD to take a picture of MY freakin’ hair!  I just woke up looking like an angel pinched My cheeks or something! Oh mercy! Quick I better put this mane in a ponytail before I get raptured to heaven or something.  Heehee.  What the fuck ever, I am so CRUSHING on Myself today!


WTF!? How can hair be so fucking AWESOME!?!?  I have no idea what I did exactly but I sorta blew the hair dryer through it a few times after diffusing and messed up the curls and forgot to put some curl cream in it and put some extra gel spray and voila! My hair came out looking fairytale wonderful. OMG I want to kiss it!!  Why doesn’t it do this everyday!?!?!

Hey mutty benjamin!  your bikini came and it only gives Me the hugest boobs in the world!   Update: $1,000.00 from that old guy george who sometimes sends $1,000 tributes in the wee morning hours.

OMG! hahahha check out the gangsta piggyjew!


Shalom fo shizzle!


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12 thoughts on “Shalom fo shizzle!

  1. avatarAnonymous

    Princess Please! We go from your stunning beauty and the awesome body to a picture of someone so fat you can barely see his cock? And how do You make men gay again? I don’t care how good You are one look at that and I just don’t understand it.


  2. avatartittyboy

    PRINCESS! Your no-makeup pic is truly angelic! And just at the time you’re making me fear that i will have to wake up every morning with permanently tattooed makeup on and still looking like a cabbage-patch doll by comparison.

    Then yet another picture of amazing cleavage that i can’t view with typical male lust, but with a desire to make mine as close to that as possible even if i have to find my own semi-gay sugar-daddy to buy a fake set for me. You have compltely subverted any sense of self-control i ever had before, Princess.


  3. avatarAnonymous

    Wow, Your pure beauty penetrates straight though to the center of my existence. Truly the hardest vision I’ve ever had to look away from!


  4. avatardringue

    i like the way Your head is constructed.
    The relationship between Your rather thin chin, Your rather strong cheekbones, and Your flat forehead.
    The solidity of Your forehead, the power of Your cheekbones, the delicacy of Your chin. Thanks to the different qualities of these elements the structure of Your head is balanced.
    Your nose, mouth and eyes were placed afterwards.
    Your hair was the last element. In fact, it is the most docile to be transformed. It is like energy arising from inside.
    A flame that is constantly changing.
    Your soul operates it all.
    Those elemets (forehead, cheekbones, chin) define the space were the others were placed.
    They are the theatre of Your beauty.
    i am trying to be objective as a faithful mirror.


  5. avatarsierrasstevie

    Think of the ankle-biters that would pay $$$ for just ONE strand of that SMOKIN hair!!! Sayyyyy $500 per piece??!! You could retire 🙂

    Do you not LOOOVE that bikini!? I kept both colors of mine….

    BTW….the no-makeup photo is AB-FAB!


  6. avatarMicky

    Princess you are very very HOT! indeed. Watch out you might burn yourself, LOL.Princess you BLOW AWAY all the pornstars.You are a very pretty girl.


  7. avatarAnonymous

    Once more all of us can see that Princess is the natural Perfect beauty. Let us open our wallets and pay pay pay.


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