Going 50/50

Merry XXXmas!!!
i’ve spent lastnight and today reorganizing my bedroom to be 50% male space and 50% female space. And although i’ve been “nice” in Santa Princess’s book all year concerning keeping up with my titty pills and keeping my eyebrows plucked and my body hair either lasered or epilated, i’ve been “naughty” concerning my weight. So as i was walking around in panties and high heels on webcam using my last remaining “normal” profile (set so only She could see me), Princess had me gather up all my male pants along with a pair of scissors. i have 4 pairs of male pants that fit me now and 1 pair of female jeans that fit me. She almost made me cut up the 4 pairs of male pants to leave me only able to wear my one pair of “Diva” jeans from Old Navy until i lose enough weight to fit back into my smaller male jeans again! But at the last second, She gave me a XXXmas Eve reprieve. Thank you so much, Santa Princess! Merry XXXmas!

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About tittyboy

Princess has taken away my entire tax return again as well as all of my heterosexuality and is gradually taking away my manhood in retun for a set of real titties, which are the only things i'll get to keep forever.

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