

Update: 🙂 latexlover just bought the over the range stainless microwave for Me off MY amazon wishlist. This came up to be around $400 including the shipping.

update: latexlover sent $300 today and that new slave who’s been donating a lot lately did another $200. I’ve decided to call him zippy slave because he got addicted SO fast.  grandpa freakpie was totally tweaking out on the phone last night. I made him put a long slice of jalepeno up his ass and super-glue his rusty old bunghole shut with it inside.  he was doing fine for about 30minutes then all the sudden he started freaking , saying he couldn’t handle it anymore and acting all terrified  and shit cuz his heart was beating too fast.  Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatever.  you fucking old fossil!  Go buy another dozen jalepenos and a few more things of superglue because you are going to do it again until you get it right!

Update: Think I got a solution! Hopefully this page will be running smoothly and looking prettier very soon.  I think I might be able to have all MY slave journals hosted on here too. Won’t that be sweet?  Keep your fingers crossed!

Things are kind of broken now. Not sure what happened. Will worry about it in the morning.   All the sudden funny colors started coming up. Fuck if I know what happened.  mrobot.why is that dark pink down there? Report to duty tomorrow!

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7 thoughts on “Fudge

  1. avatargrandpa freakpie

    PRINCESS, thanks for YOUR accurate portrayal of my moronic and cowardly sissy-baby display of behavior as YOU completely broke my spirit and resistance to pain and suffering by YOUR calm and highly professional Punishment and Torture procedures. like all YOUR other more worthy slaves, i worship and respect everything about YOU. YOU are the SOLE TRUE LIVING GOD and MASTER of THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. i am truly the most fortunate person who ever lived – to have YOU as THE MASTER of my mind, my body and my soul, which i turned over to YOU completely, long ago, to do with as YOU will. AWOMEN.


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