

My foofoo couch for My “Goddess room” is here. Holy Shit! It’s outta control! I love it! hahaha  Unfortunately now My new dark wood coffee table I got like 6months ago doesn’t match.  I will be needing another one! Do I throw your money around thoughtlessly sometimes? Yes.  Do you love it? YES!  So I’ll be looking for a super romantic  coffee table in lighter wood , new drapes and an area rug.  Actually the wood isn’t near as gold as it looks in the’s more bone colored or something.  Can you just picture Me stretched out on that delicious Princess couch in a flimsy long nightie eating bon-bons and counting the $100 bills you send ME?   Speaking of CRISPY $$$$’s,  grandpa freakpie just fed-ex’ed Me $700. I have the tracking # and it will be here tomorrow afternoon! Yay yay yay!

oliver twisted sent Me another $400 today too! hahaha We made a bet that he will call before monday.  he will owe ME $400 if he can’t hold out until Monday and only $200 if he does.  twinkie just sent $300 after mewling like a sad kitty on the phone for 30 minutes.  hmm That’s all I got for ya today.  I have to get back to scouring the net for coffee tables.  I have personal training and spinning tonight so I’ll be gone for quite a few hours.  Seeya!

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4 thoughts on “Frou-frou-ifferic!

  1. avatarsierrasstevie

    Ummmmm, that couch was made FOR YOU!! Noooo doubt. You need to taunt the ankle-biters with pics of you on that beauty….


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