Frenum Piercing for Chastity

i went tonight to get a frenum piercing for a new chastity device that is on order. The girl who was going to do it was built like one of those Hindu goddesses–she was very tall with small waist in proportion to her oversized hips and breasts. So i was really nervous about her poking a hole in my shrivelled up penis. A girl like her would have thought i was gay for sure. But they didn’t have the right hardware at that store for an 8 guage piercing, which is what was reccommended by Ms. Lori who sold me this device: It has not arrived yet, but i will need some time for my new piercing to heal up before i can wear it fulltime. Anyway, i’ll be going back tomorrow around noon because they had the right hardware at another nearby shop, and then it will either be the same girl or another guy who wasn’t there tonight who will be doing the piercing. i don’t think it will be too painful, but i’m sure it will be uncomfortable for a while. i’ve seen piercings done before so i know it wont take long, but this will be my very first one anywhere. So i’ll post a follow up tomorrow.

Also, DDR sent me out to a local Sally’s Beauty Supply store to get some items to buff and strengthen my fingernails so they will look more feminine and grow without breaking so easily. So i’ll be treating them on a regular basis from now on.

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About tittyboy

Princess has taken away my entire tax return again as well as all of my heterosexuality and is gradually taking away my manhood in retun for a set of real titties, which are the only things i'll get to keep forever.

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