Financially Fucking Guys Over for Thousands!

Yippy! Today I had a wonderful surprise. A “secret admirer” got Me My windshield off MY biker bitch wishlist for the Harley as well as a HD license plate frame. I got the saddlebags installed a few days ago and the seat was just installed today. I love them. They are SOOOO nice. This bike is totally coming around so fast! HAHA good little hoes! Speaking of good little hoes, I’ve been keeping amazon addict in a state of fuzzybrained delirium. The photos of his boots lined up nicely in a row seems to have gotten him twitterpated because he was kinda-sorta hinting about buying Me some new ones! heehee I told him that I was telepathically communicating with his dinkie we have nicknamed sputnik. sputnik and I are in cahoots and are always plotting against amazon shopping addict. A jacket I wanted wasn’t available so I told amazon addict that he was going to be penalized. I had almost forgetten about the penalty and amazon addict wound up bringing it up. I ended up getting another $150 from amazon addict. Was there another GC before that amazon addict, that I forgot to mention here? Wasn’t there another $200 or something you gave ME that I used on steaks? Yeah I think this makes $350. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of all the boinking I give you.

Somebody from ireland or something gave Me another $100 gc from amazon. he is really annoying and calls all the time. toiletbrush spent around $125 or something at Victorias and also sent ME $150 cash. doomed brit lost $400 and also had a phonesex session with blackpooch. I made blackpooch tape record the entire conversation so I could use it again doomed brit in the future if he miffs ME off or something. At first, doomedbrit was not being a very willing phone faggot, but after I screamed at the bitch and drilled his, the little bitch wounded up begging to suck blackpooch’s dick, lick his ass, suck his balls and a multitude of disgusting faggotries. The entire conversation can be listened to over and over again. **giggle**

the lou sent another $100, $100 from a new guy named don (I just found the money in My account, he hasn’t contacted Me yet or anything) and another $100 from jeffrey who donated a few days ago. $100 isn’t $400, dumbass. I believe you owe ME $300 more.

I was gone all day yesterday on another all day ride (188 miles.) I am SO glad the windshield came because I was plastered with bugs from riding at night. I lost My driver’s license somewhere a few days ago and went to the BMV and got another today. I’m all happy because My picture came out soo adorable.

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