feeties1 and gym2: Marvelous New Desktop Background Photos

why settle for the dull and mundane when the Absolute Ultimate is available? -for pc desktop background photos, no one could ask for more appropriate or beautiful photos than two that PRINCESS may have taken of HERSELF, ‘feeties1’ from HER “Foot Gallery 2003” Collection, which appears with an all-black background and projects full-screen all during the preliminary warm-up period and login procedure, which on my ancient computer, lasts quite awhile, which i no longer mind in the least, now that i have the lovliest pair of legs and feet in the entire world to fixate upon. – the only such photo that might be nicer would be an up-to-date photo of the Incredible PRINCESS GOD’S Lower Limbs taken very recently, for amazingly, SHE has managed to become more and more beautiful and perfect with each and every passing day, defying all laws of nature by remaining exceptionally young so profoundly stunningly as to be nothing short of U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E!!! – PRINCESS has made a total reversal of the aging process, something everyone would like to accomplish, but only GOD ALMIGHTY PRINCESS has ever managed to actually do it, not with cover-up sprays or creams, but by amazing pristine genetics powered by the Ultimate of all brains, the best of foods in proper proportions and sequence, an ingenius exercise regimen designed and supervised by HER marvelous physical trainer and close friend, considerable emphasis upon proper rest and the finest of recreation with the greatest assembly of Elite FEMALES on HER Planet Earth. – all the while, PRINCESS manages to remain always exquisitely feminine, the epitome of perfection, down to every single detail, yet loaded with tremendous strength, power, boundless energy and stamina. – the world, in general, has never before been privileged to have such a perfect role model for all FEMALES who recognize their inherent Superiority and also are intelligent enough to join Bitchybeauty.com and fall under the spellbinding Influence of PRINCESS SIERRA, nor have all the inferior male pigs with fully submissive traits who join Bitchybeauty.com and earn the honor of lifetime total slavery under PRINCESS, had such a wonderful life to experience, as well. – during the actual desktop filling in, including the gradual one-by-one appearance of taskbar icons, GOD’S ‘gym2’ photo Reigns Supreme, Her Eyes upon HER insect slave every nanosecond of the way as SHE walks HER Home Treadmill, with her overwhelmingly beautiful arms and thighs bulging in all the right places and ways, as PRINCESS Demonstrates what a Marvelously Superior SUPER-HUMAN BEING SHE TRULY IS. – HER tailored black knit gym top that extends just over her deltoids leaves HER magnificently developed right outer-side upper arm in close view, along with HER elbow, perfectly-developed and partially-flexed right outer-side forearm, wrist and black workout-gloved right hand in full view and close proximity. – Her lovely knit black gymtop extends to the limit of HER magnificently developed floating ribs, leaving all of HER elegantly-flat abdominals with the most gorgeous vertical muscular development i have ever seen on any female. – a hugely enlarged reproduction of this photo should be hanging in every one of the finest museums and art galleries, Worldwide, as should so many other great photographs of our Totally Magnificent PRINCESS GOD ALMIGHTY. – it is an injustice on the part of the art world that photos of PRINCESS aren’t on display for the public to see and admire already. – anywhere that people gather to maintain and improve their bodies, a large ‘gym2’ photo, appropriately framed and covered with finest plate glass would be a fitting example of how ANY Female might strive to look, if she has any plan to remain FEMININELY Beautiful when SHE reaches HER ultimate potential, realizing in advance, there is no chance in hell SHE will EVER look THIS good, for NO one will ever be able to match what PRINCESS Sierra has achieved. AWOMEN..com

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