fagarina video

Update: Veronica the Great just got $300 cash from fatty. hahhaha DAMNED fatmac. you’ve been on a roll, bitch!

Watch fagafreako beg to max his card on ME.
HAHAHA got ANOTHER $500 out of fagarina!

Got some fun goodies in the mail today. My leather pea coat from jackoff george arrived today.

$100 cash from brad the fag, $50 moneyorder from some freak, another $500 Sears GC from slutty suzy for Veronica. he wrote “from your best friend” on the card. hahahahaha!

Oh he sent another $500 Sears GC for us last week which I forgot to post, but I just sent it all to her.

lesbian goldcard sent $600 towards paying MY fee for MY personal trainer.
I had MY first session today. Today wasn’t too rough, we spent a lot of it doing fitness tests and taking measurements and discussing nutrition. She’s got Me doing weight training with Her 3 monday, tuesday and thursday and spinning class on friday. Wednesday and Sunday I must do 60minutes cardio on My own. I can work out at the gym any time I want when they are open. It’s an immaculate gym. Has everything you want and new equipment but extremely private. Only one other person besides Me was working out. (I go during the slowest time though.) Best of all it’s like a 10 minute drive.

She doesn’t seem to big into calorie counting. She’s more into glycemic index, eating small meals and not eating starches at night. We shall see how it goes. So far, I really like her, she’s very motivational in that non-phoney, non-foofoo way. She’s a tough cookie though. Oh she was telling Me she had a male client who wanted to be extra pressured to stay in shape and set up a deal with her that if he didn’t do his “home work” and make certain goals he had to pay double for the session. I didn’t really understand the entire arrangement, but thought it was pretty friggin amusing.

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3 thoughts on “fagarina video

  1. avataranonymous

    you should send that video to clips4sale. they are having a contest to find the funniest or dumbest adult video and the winner will have their video shown on the howard stern site. I am sure one of your videos of tittyboy would win.


  2. avatarbitchybeauty

    I already have tittyboy on clips4sale. Have for awhile now. I wonder if clips4sale are just entering themselves or if you have to request it entered in the contest.


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