HAHA Why does this shit crack Me up so?
NOTE TO GLORYHOLE BOY! you better email Me the address you want your used man-underwear going to.I have a few guys willing to send. If you DONT send ME the address where you want this shipped..I’ll send it to your house.which might not make your wife too happy. Hurry up and get back to Me!
Just got $400 from drunk tom. Yeah for Me. Boo for him. Right after his payment he just sorta stopped messaging..think he passed out again..cuz he’s idling. WHAT a LOSER! $400 from terrance who seemed to get some thrill from MY conniption fit from friday night. toiletbrush spent $300 on athletic wear for ME and some expensive face powder. Just sent My to-shop list to fatmac for a shitload of casual play clothes. fatmac the procrastinating 1-ton shopping bitch, forgot a small order of goodies he was suppose to send..so he not only had to reorder the items.he’s going to get stuck with a few $100 EXTRA shopping opportunities. congratufuckinglations lardass! Get the stuff as soon as you read the mail, bitch! 3 more lancome cosmetics arrive today.not sure who paid for it.
fagarina lost $100 and got to be the singing tampon. I’m going to make him dress up like that again and make a video cuz for some reason this particular get-up really cracked Me up. I got to write some tampon songs for his video performance.
Thats the worst halloween costume ever… looks like Charlie Brown in a contour sheet. But who wouldn’t fanatize about being Princess Tampax…for just a minute? at least…
They are tidy now…just put them on. but they never stay that way. “No matter how much you shake and dance that last drop always lands in your pants…” I’ve been trying to diet lately but i might have to take this opportunity to pig out on White Castle and Taco Bell if Princess insists…
from petelikesfeet