fagarina has bad credit

fagarina has bad credit

twinkie just paid for a new corset dress to do in a pinch that should arrive quickly. I STILL want the shorter dress I posted a link to yesterday. Princessfan your margarita glasses just arrived. amsterdam ham I got your $250 tribute. fagarina get your password straightened up for that account, you friggin moron! That television for the gym you bought is FINALLY coming tomorrow. Oh, and I can’t believe they only gave you 1,500 credit line at home Lowes!! How fucking pathetic can you get??!?!?!

Picking out carpet has been a pain in the butt. The colors all look the same once I bring the samples home. I think I need to have MY new overhead light installed first before I decide on what color I want.

Oh well, I’ll update more tonight Im sure.

Here’s the back of the corset dress I was suppose to get and the one I received. Hello? What’s missing in this picture?

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