Facial Lasering Follow Up & Date.com

i’ve been begging and begging Princess to spare me from the laser on my face before it’s too late. But she wants it already done and overwith so i can’t even ask again. The first appointment has already been set though and i can’t get in any sooner than June 3rd. i’m sure i could be suckered so easily if She took me there Herself. But i feel so guilty since, like DDR pointed out, i will be the one actually driving myself there to do it. i am soooooo conflicted!!!!! i know how many terrible things Princess could do to me if i pissed Her off. But She can’t really force me to do it. And She isnt even enticing me with promises of any irresistable rewards. i will still be all alone at the end of the day–only with even less chance of ever getting back to an even half-way normal life.

And speaking of normal, i’m still paying the penalty for once trying to find real women to date on www.date.com, which is where i first used this name “David1962Dayton” and actually did date a couple women i met on there. But now i have humiliating pics and an embarrassing profile on there which does get responses of laughter and ridicule from time to time. They rejected pics in full drag, but i have 3 with just makeup and no wig and one with my mustache and bikini lines over my shoulders and a glossy substance on my face (which i’m sure they would have rejected if they knew what it was).


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About tittyboy

Princess has taken away my entire tax return again as well as all of my heterosexuality and is gradually taking away my manhood in retun for a set of real titties, which are the only things i'll get to keep forever.

1 thought on “Facial Lasering Follow Up & Date.com

  1. avatarmark francis

    tittyboy, i know how you feel. niteflirt didnt even let me post a pic of myself saying that it was topless!! But it was me with my top off after putting fake tan on around my bra. i admit i have some little manboobs but not bad enough for niteflirt to not load my pic. tittyy boy….i live alone. Want to call me some time just for a chat?


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