Yo whassup, bitches? I’ve been busy planning MY christmas holiday and getting everything booked. This year Im spending it with family and I’ll be away from 12/23 – 12/27. Of course I’ll have MY laptop and cell phone. Speaking of, I have been forwarding MY Yahoo and Aim to MY cell. I will probably reply to worthwhile messages that forward there.
Can’t really keep track of all the damage I’ve done this week, but here’s how today has gone. russell the baboon has come out of hiding and sent another $300 today. $50 from french poodle, $300 from a carl, $700 from the ukranian, $200 from stewey, twinkie has bought some bluetooth headsets from My amazon wishlist and some passing guy got Me a leather skirt. stewey I think you need to just bite the bullet and send more than you can afford today! Just fucking suck it up! you and your family can just SUFFER this month by having less so I can have MORE MORE MORE! chewtoy, never fear. your Boss Princess of the Universe has had you on Her mind today! I’ve been picking out the longest dildo I can find for you. Bend over and take it like a man! Congrats chewy, you are now the freak de jour! I won’t tell what you did in your granny’s bedroom, if you don’t tell! heehee Oh and if you friggin stick that dick in your wife this weekend, you are totally going marinate it in donkey sauce after! Get My drift, little man?? you know what??? That goes for the rest of you pervs, too!! NONE of you are allowed to bore your wives with your weeniers anymore UNLESS you pay ME a copulation fee. The entire idea of you copulating disturbs and nauseates ME. There will be $200 breeders’ fee for those of you who feel the need to bump nasties with your unfortunate wives. I reserve the right to refuse certain subs the priviledge of fornicating with their wives, regardless if they pay the copulation fee. Of course, you won’t find out this out until you have paid the fee..because..errr..um I also reserve the right to SCREW you OVER HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Boss Princess of the Universe,
Since finding you over three months ago, your words echo in my brain, every second of every day. You control my whole being with your lips. I know this kinda makes a sick feeling in your stomach but I can not help but to confess my love for you. Please pick something for me, I know I am not worthy but I will do ANYTHING for you!!
Love ChewToy
Would you be interested in having a movie made of you?
Would you play you, or want someone else to?
Thank you….
Princess I wish you was beating on me for Christmas. I mean for real, not kidding around. A couple of black eyes or if you knocked out a tooth on me, and and cane my ASS till it is all different colors like red and purple and black. That would be so exciting for me. Like a dream come true. 🙂
The diaries of Your piggies are like the voices of the doomed people that Dante and Virgil found in their travel through the Inferno. There are doomed by their weaknesses and dark passions. They are ready to tell the truth to everybody who visit them, to everybody who bother to read their words. That is part of their punishment.
They are also like a collection of pinned butterflies.
i look at YOUR pics, i get hard as a fucking rock. my does’nt do that for me. only YOU and YOUR incredible face.