Dance with the Devil

I don’t know why I have the need to say this again..because there are dozens of these little rants on MY journals throughout the years, but I will repeat MYself yet again. you CAN’T FORCE ME TO DOMINATE you.

If I ignore you, or I barely answer your IMs, or I demand a huge donation up front before exchanging more than a sentence or two with you then block you if you refuse, it is because SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH you.

Obviously, I am GOOD at this. I’m the BEST at this. I AM THIS. I am NOT designed to titilate you. I am not some Dominant Barbie here to assume all the Dominant poses you personally find most erotic and I do NOT deal with guys who come out of the blue at ME with this “make me serve you” shit. “Make me need to serve you. Show me your power.” Bitch, pleeeaze! If you’re here drooling over MY site like some deranged beast on a daily basis, you obviously NEED to serve ME. you desire ME, you know My power, you are bewitched by ME, you are enthralled by Me. But do I care? NO.because you’re in the same boat with HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF men. Unless you have the NEED to PLEASE ME, ENRICH MY LIFE and MAKE ME happy and ACTIVELY do so..I really don’t give a shit whether you live or die. Some of you message Me with this idea that I need to impress you, give you some sort of dominance “sample” or prove MYself to you before you make your first contributions. HA! you are here to dazzle ME with your generosity, obedience and subservience. you provide ME with a sample, bitch! If I tell you to send $500 within seconds of you messaging ME for the first time and you have flunked. you have failed. Something is wrong with you. Therefor you are automatically spit out of the system. Ejected out to some shoot leading to the a dented peach in the fruit bin. So move aside BAD apple because there are hundreds standing inline behind you waiting to be inspected and harvested. I’m like Granny Smith in the frickin fruit isle, bitches. One squeeze and I can usually tell who’s ripe for the pickins and who’s rotten.

I throw Myself into what I do BECAUSE I LOVE IT. I also am VERY generous with the time and attention I give MY devotees. VERY generous. Some of MY slaves I talk to on a daily basis. Do not compare yourself with My devotees oh foul and loathesome lurkers and jerkers. you are NOTHING like them. And despite what disgusting and twisted creatures I have turned them into..they are far less PERVERSE and VILE than you are. They are of more worth than you than you will EVER be. you are SOULESS slabs of flesh. Nothing but voyeristic vampire slave wannabees, the walking dead dick. There is No Princess in your life, No Sierra Sunshine, you are only a solo yanker stroking off to the music of OUR DANCE. Like a demented wallflower you watch in the dark. the Sierra/slave salsa. Sad for you that you don’t have what it takes to tango with Me. No loser. you have not danced. your ears have not heard the sounds of MY laughter, you have not personally impassioned MY greed, you have not felt MY hands around your throat, My leash around your prick, My fingernails raking your mind, MY teeth tearing your life in two, My squeals of joy when you spoil ME, cave into Me, send your cash to Me, sin for Me, bend for ME. No. you have not please DIE NOW!

doomed brit is on youtube too!
A pathetic email I received from doomed brit.
Hi Princess,

I got a letter from my credit card company, they are reducing my credit limit by 25% as I’m not making regular payments “ which means I’m now over my credit limit. I’ve extended my overdraft to the maximum that my bank will allow me “ I owe them so much even on the day my pay check goes in I’m overdrawn. I no longer have a house, I’m renting. I had to ˜borrow’ money from my parents to pay the road tax for my car. I can’t afford to take my pet to the veterinary surgeon. My car was hit by another car as it was parked outside the supermarket, but as they didn’t leave their number I can’t get it fixed as the cost will go on my insurance. I will soon need my heating oil tank to be filled but I don’t have any money left to pay for it. My computer monitor is broken and can’t afford to replace it, so am having to use my old 14 monitor.

I can only get ˜it’ up every three days (or longer).
I constantly fantasise about being castrated “ by you.
I have dreams about you forcing me to suck cock.

I don’t have any.

I am an alcoholic; this has a MAJOR impact on my work “ I go into work every day expecting to be fired.

Sounds like a personal problem, doomed! hahaha! Put an advertisement on your pet and give it away to a good home. It doesn’t like you either. Go buy a cheap bottle of vodka and a case of’ll feel better.

dont think I forgot about your video! you’re going up next!

Check out new video on MYspace.
old sissy donna We are SOO getting him a new wig! he needs something shorter, curlier and bright red. Something sassy cuz that is one dog ugly wig! We also bought him a few more items online. I also sent tittyboy to Fredericks to get some whorish clothing. Guess what!? tittyboy and sissy donna live in the same town!? sissy parade!

Lordie, period started today and I’m cramped bad. Period boys, fetch your tampons. I’m getting another $300 from randy mersch and just got $600 from sissy tommikins! Weee I’ve been having a fun week, huh!?

I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

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4 thoughts on “Dance with the Devil

  1. avataranonymous

    i LOVE this entry, it’s so true and something WE always have to keep repeating to these clueless, worthless wastoids. as always You have put it so eloquently and perfectly.

    ~the Female fan


  2. avatarbarallelogram

    “If you’re here drooling over MY site like some deranged beast on a daily basis, you obviously NEED to serve ME. you desire ME, you know My power, you are bewitched by ME, you are enthralled by Me.”

    Yes i know YOUR power of enchantment and YOUR ability to bewitch and i recognise i NEED to be in YOUR thrall to serve YOU as GOD.

    “Unless you have the NEED to PLEASE ME, ENRICH MY LIFE and MAKE ME happy and ACTIVELY do so…I really don’t give a shit whether you live or die.”

    i feel i want YOU to want me to continue living only for reasons of YOUR benefit – so that i can actively please YOU, enrich YOU and make YOU happy so i guess i NEED to do those things.

    “…your ears have not heard the sounds of MY laughter, you have not personally impassioned MY greed, you have not felt MY hands around your throat, My leash around your prick, My fingernails raking your mind, MY teeth tearing your life in two, My squeals of joy when you spoil ME, cave into Me, send your cash to Me, sin for Me, bend for ME.”

    From YOUR slaves’ journals i know that addiction to YOU is all-consuming leading to utter ruin and degradation and it is the addiction which i crave, the rush occasioned by YOU exercising YOUR power to amuse and enrich YOURSELF whilst YOU effortlessly mould me into a twisted and disgusting creature of YOUR creation as GOD.


  3. avataranonymous

    Fuck church. Fuck Jesus. Sierra is the One True God.
    Fuck church. Fuck Jesus. Sierra is the One True God.
    Fuck church. Fuck Jesus. Sierra is the One True God.
    Fuck church. Fuck Jesus. Sierra is the One True God.


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