Hi nutballs! I’m just watching tivo’ed ghost hunters while some guy on his webcam snorts coke out of a high heel shoe. So far I got $800 out of him. Wow..he looks absolutely nuts! he’s got on purple lingerie and a purple tie tied around his head like rambo, bright red lipstick and coke on his face and this crazy wild-eyed look. I’m gonna try to get another $500 out of him before he putters out.
louzer just sent $300. See you are back louZer.tried to recover? How that work out for you? haha! Obviously, not so well, because here you are AGAIN! I think you owe Me at least another $500 more because you have been MIA for so lon! I also think you need to go to the costume store and get yourself a clearance Queen sized fairy costume or something for your next photo debut. They have all kinds of slutty plus-sized costumes..find one that is absolutely ridiculous! Get on it, louzer!
smalldick sd did $400. he’s as boring as ever.
I seriously need to do some photos. I’ve been sooo lazy!! If I don’t have a busy weekend, I’ll try to take a few photos in some of the hot new outfits I have gotten! I know I promised some not long ago and it never panned out. I moved an old couch in the basement and it sort of took up MY photo studio space. I just need to move the couch to one side of room and set back My backdrop again. I still haven’t taken photos in that super sexy vinyl rocker number Princess fan got Me and those crazy sexy shoes that went with it. I will be the Hotness in that thing! Let’s see if I get it done..if not..you just live with the disappointment..again. Perhaps this time, you will get lucky!
tittyboy is having a bipolar breakdown. hahahahaha! Funny! Always amusing when you fuckers go nutbars!
Oh those 2 tops you got for Me from LuckyBrand showed up today, hairlip. I love them!
Ok I’ll try to be around for phonecalls tomorrow afternoon and evening. Do not call before 11 a.m., assholes!
Still waiting for someone to get these hot ass high boots in size 10
Cool making bank while watching Ghost Hunters! hopefully they are good episodes where they get some actual evidence
and Outstanding job messing with minds as usual!
LOL Princess you are so funny.
Oh God Princess, tittyboy is going to need a lot of med’s for a very long time that is for sure.Whew you really did a job on that psycho ha ha ha.
Oh yes yes Princess talk of your new photos is very very EXCITING. I can see you now on your huge bed with just a black satin sheet. Oh ohh ahhh yes yes.
“Oh yes yes Princess talk of your new photos is very very EXCITING. I can see you now on your huge bed with just a black satin sheet. Oh ohh ahhh yes yes.”
YOUR new “vinyl08” series of photos provides overwhelming proof that you continue to become more beautiful, more perfect, more powerful and more in control of everything that pleases YOU with each and every passing day.