Christmas shopping

Christmas shopping


Picture of ME this morning all pony-tailed and casual. “Cheese, bitches!” Yeh, it’s a hotel bathroom.  Some of you boys know I’ve been traveling for a few days. Not a good time to fly.  Lost our luggage the first day.  Of course it was easy to fill out the luggage claim report on My pink and fabulous suitcases.  All 3 suitcases were delivered the next day, but it’s never fun using that crappy hotel conditioner in MY hair.  Behold our “product”.  I’m sure the maid loves us. What the hell was she doing with all those little towels under our stuff?   Yep, that’s the blow dryer you bought Me ,fatmac.

Anyway, this is more business than I’ll be online and forwarding MY calls to the different places I stay.  I’ll be answering all MY emails. Oh today I’m going to play guineapig grandpa. We’re going to see how many straight pens he can stick in his nutsacks. Find out if wasabi hurts more than jalepeno sauce when pored down a prickhole. he also has a wood burning tool that heats up to 1050 degrees F. It gets so hot he can sauter things with it. We’re going to see if he can write My intials in his weathered old flesh.

Update: lou-zer otherwise known as screwy louey already got the vacuum.  There’s one less thing on My xmas shopping list.  I hate going to the crowded mall, I hate holiday shopping and I hate getting out in this weather to spend MY cash on other people.  That’s why all of you are going to be MY personal shoppers.  HoHoHo you lucky holly-jolly fucks!  lottalip got the Mimosa floor lamp off MY amazon wishlist.  Hurray!!   $100 from some new guy from ireland.  I really have a hard time understanding irish guys on the phone, they sound like they are chewing a sock.  $300 from stewey.

Can you guys see the VS wishlist?  I can see it when I click it, but I’m receiving some reports that it doesn’t show up on aol browsers?  Umm.. I’m not sure ,but try cutting and pasting it in your browser to see it, for some reason clicking it doesn’t seem to work.but cutting and pasting it does.  Strange.  If you still can’t see it, drop Me an email and I’ll send you an invite to it.

Wanna Do Some Christmas shopping for ME?

Here’s My Victorias Secret wishlist.  The large size items are for ME and the Medium is for My GF.  It looks like its the same item over and over but the panties are all in different colors and designs.

Vacuumfulfilled! I have one of these and love it.  Want to give it to a friend.

Hottopic giftcertificates for a teenage girl in the family. $100 should do it.  EDIT Make it $200

the cat fountain thingie off MY amazon wishlist for a friend. Playstation 3 fulfilled! also near the top of My amazon wishlist for Me! I’ll be adding more stuff soon as I find all the links.

APPLY for A Gas Card and make Me an authorized user then  send Me the card.  Well the guy who has been paying for My gascard for like ummm..3 years or some shit, stopped his card the other day. 🙁  Boo Hiss. FUCKER!! Actually I think last year I told him he could quit it december 2007 when he was bitching about the big expense..but ya know, I really didn’t mean it.   I’m going to call him and see if I can get him to get it re-opened, but in the meantime, I’m going to need another gas card PRONTO! It’s so sad having to buy gas when I haven’t bought it for 3 years!!!  Exxon is MY favorite, but I will settle for Shell too. Hop to it! This is a marvelous Xmas gift for your PRINCESS.

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13 thoughts on “Christmas shopping

  1. avataranonymous

    i was thinking… we are garbage. i agree with You in that. Things that, in a better world shouldn’t exit.
    we stink. we contaminate all that touch us. So, You must wear some kind of gloves, some kind of protection to manipulate us.
    Some tool that lets You make Your job of recycling money without get dirty Your wonderful and beautiful skin. So: how do
    You preserve Yourself from us? From the germs. From the infection. i don’t know. Probably the hate that You feel to us, and
    Your denial to us of the human condition is Your disinfectant. From this point of view, Your hate is pure. Is glorious.
    Because it keeps You clean and pure, like a baby. It is perfect. Because those profilactic measures are part of Your
    attraction. At least, on the more rotten of us.


  2. avataranonymous

    It is almost a certainty that you will be able to get that lucky guy to reopen the gas card once you call him. I can just imagine you calling him and manipulating him with your voice: making it alternately bitchy and sweet, being seriously threatening and then pouty. That lucky fucker is sure to cave and reopen the card, and probably drop a lot more cash as well. That guy better damn well realize how lucky he is to be a part of your world!


  3. avataranonymous

    i imagined this dialog:

    Princess Sierra aka God:
    What’s this bill paid with your credit card?. A health plan! Why, for Christ sake, are you wasting My money in such stupid way? And why you took the plan without asking Me first?

    swine from South America:
    Traslation: Sorry Princess. But in my country we haven’t good public hospitals. And private medicine is very expensive for our low underdeveloped wages. Without that plan if i get sick, i’d be almost without protection!

    Princess Sierra aka God
    But now you are healthy. Aren’t you?

    swine from South America:
    Traslation: Yeah.

    Princess Sierra aka God
    And You are not too old yet. Am I right?

    swine from South America:
    Traslation: In my fifties.

    Princess Sierra aka God:
    That’s right. So, it is difficult for you to get seriously ill yet.

    swine from South America:
    Traslation: Perhaps. i don’t know. (More or less. It isn’t clear his voice).

    Princess Sierra aka God:
    And following my instructions You haven’t any family life. So nowadays nobody depend on you.

    Princess Sierra aka God:
    And you are paying a lot of money every month for nothing! It is only theoretical. If you don’t get sick you don’t receive nothing.

    Princess Sierra aka God:
    Instead, I’d spend that money in a more tangible way. Buying things that they would really give to Me.

    Princess Sierra aka God:
    I don’t know if you realize of these things. If you could see yourself with My eyes, you’d understad it instantly.

    Princess Sierra aka God:
    And after all, if you get sick, without a health plan, what would be the problem? Tell me sincerely: Would the world be worse without you. Be realistic! Don’t lie to yourself. Would i miss you only a little? So, send to me that money right now. Every month You’ll send to me the fee of your private health plan. And from now on it is better that you don’t get sick. Take care of yourself. Take vitamins. Hahaha! Because you know what can happen now if you get sick.
    Stupid swine!


  4. avataranonymous

    Almighty GOD, Your curves are rocking! Your hips are so sexy and your bellybutton looks delicious. I am in love with all your pictures and love ones where you look so natural and candid. In this photo you remind me of aphrodite how your perfect hips are. You are a true Goddess.


  5. avataranonymous

    Sierra, this LJ thumbnail is glorious! Profiles of You are scarce. But, OHH what a BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT profile! YOU are amazing. (Such an awesome tummy, too!) – lotsalip


  6. avatarbitchybeauty

    I quite like it too…it’s fun. My jaw looks gorgeous, My ear perfection and My ponytail bouncy and curly and let’s not forget the world’s most PERFECT nose. oooh did you notice I left some cute little secret messages for you on My amazon wishlist? Isn’t it sweet how I think of you when I want something?? Stare at My tummy until it makes you want to go SHOPPING!!


  7. avatarbitchybeauty

    Way to go lou-zer…for your DEVOTED shopping and generosity you WIN…..NOTHING!!

    I sent you an email. Keep it up! The shopping and the little slimy mutation in your pants.


  8. avataranonymous

    i have to concur, your hips and tummy are the bomb! You have the classic figure of a fine art statue….and i always think you look the most gorgeous in your sporty natural pix! you go!

    ~the Female fan


  9. avataranonymous

    My eyes are popping out of my head. That one is BEAUTIFUL! Also the flash going off, makes me think you are holding up a flashlight as you smile and get ready to interrogate me. Good luck on your trip.


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