hairlip paid $450 for My gym membership 🙂 Also he bought a $200 gift for My workout partner. She’s gonna LOVE IT!! I love how friggin easy hairlip is!! he loves paying for My fitness stuff! And I love it too!
fatty, I got My nails done today.so send My manicure cash. I’m not so happy with them this time. My regular girl went on vacation and this girl fucked them up. I will be going back next week to get them redone..I can’t live like this! So send the payment TWICE! Speaking of vacation..I have a friend who has a timeshare in Florida. So I’ll be going to FL for 7 days in the end of June. Since it’s pretty much all paid for, you little submissive dicklettes can just send SPENDING cash and LOTS of it. The only thing hairlip likes paying for MORE than keeping MY hot bod in shape..is MY vacations! I’m sure Florida will be putting another big DING in his wallet! Don’t worry. We will have Wifi. 🙂 hmmm I have to hurry up and schedule that Vegas trip that I won before the year is up, too.
oliver! I want another $1,000. Give Me another phonecall.you know you can’t FRIGGIN resist ME!
mrobot activate! FORM OF an atm spitting out hundred dollar bills! pedro! Don’t you fucking message ME until you have sent $500 CASH!! I’m so sick of your stupid whiney emails and messages!
omg! Check out the Harley motorcycle helmet twinkie sent ME! RHINESTONES! HAHA! (senor doggy..there’s that tan leather jacket that I heart so much in the background)
I tried on My leather chaps.and I’m too friggin skinny for them! I’m going to need another pair of them! I’m happy about losing some weight, but My wardrobe has to be replaced. Thank Goddess for shopping minions! I’ll be adding more shit to MY neverending wishlist!! HARLEY DAVIDSON LEATHER CHAPS size Large