Category Archives: Uncategorized

Princess Perfect is Back

The weather had a few cool days, but it was a totally great vacation!

russ sent $500 yesterday and twinkie did $300 and fagarina got charged $300 for every day of My vacation!  senor doggy did $200 and screwy stewy did $100, the urkraine did $400.  Gotta unpack!  Will update later.

SUPER AWESOME Moonstone Earrings! Get these asap! hairlip
Custom Zodiac Pendant (Email ME so I can tell you the 2 signs I want, color, size and other customizations.)

WhiteHouseBlackMarket Skirt size 12 pinkywrapped

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Having Fun!

Cache Dress RED OR BLACK (you can choose) senor doggy
Get this Top Size L
Etsy Necklace

toiletbrush: Get this tank in Large!

The Custom Corset in Black

Get to MY amazon wishlist!  I need the WHITE backdrop paper, the hot sauces,  the Kinky Curly Custard and the Tweek hair stuff.

While PRINCESS plays, the minions will pay!!!  Make a donation, bitch! I got $600 from fagarina in 3 minutes after I made him get drunk on wine.   HAHA! I just made him promise I could charge his card $300 a day for every day I have left on vacation!! HA!!!   he’s sooo going to regret it in the morning!  That’s why I love to get him TOASTED on booze.  he’s such a lightweight.which makes it all the more easy!

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New Photos for Members

11 Full-sized Photos Available for Members Only

Photos always help keep you bastards paying when I am off on vacation! I expect to get PAID well this vacation!!! I’ll also be shuffling my un-purchased wishlist items to this entry soon. Keep an eye out for it!

Dress in photos was purchased by senor doggy and the shoes were a pair loopy for legs got a long time ago.
Ring by pinky-wrapped.

toiletbrush get THESE earrings.
Get this in either black or red. your choice!  Size large senor doggy got red
Jeweled Print Tank in size XL

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Taste My Perfection!

Taste My Perfection!

Just a nibble!  To make you dribble.  Now get out that wallet!

Here I am, all dressed up for a night out!

Got a little tan before MY vacation so I don’t burn up and peel.  I won’t be maintaining a tan this summer.  I’d rather be ghost white than aged looking and tanned.  Tanning makes chicks look old!  I leave saturday!  Look at My friggin legs.  Long long long luscious legs that make a man want to do verrry self destructive things. heehee!!  I expect you all to be frenzied little cashcows for the next few days.

Stare until you’re mentally IMPAIRED!

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Hey, boytoys!

Hey, boytoys!

fatmac I’ll be getting a ped and manicure AGAIN this week.  Pay up!  I’ll have it done right before I leave probably thurs or friday.

Still haven’t gotten these Etsy Earrings I wanted! screwy stewy

$500 cash from sissy julie!  he also sent like $1,500 more online one night.  I need to add everything up and tally it all up.

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sissy tommikins has it bad for ME!!

sissy tommikins has it bad for ME!!

loopy for legs sent $130 cash in the mail that he had in his pocket on his last coke snorting spending fest.  That coked-up bitch-tard friggin forgot to put a stamp on it and a return address.  The Post Office then opened it and finding cash inside, cashed it into a money order and sent it to Me anyway!!  Thank God!  you fucking stupe-O!  Note to self: Make sure all inebriated and coked-up freaks are reminded to put stamps on their envelopes of cash because they are obviously to fucked up to remember themselves.

Lots of prezzies have been pouring it!  Dresses and blouses from senor doggy, shoes, bikinis and motorcycle gear from toiletbrush, new jeans from twinkie and makeup from fatmac!  Oh and some red backdrop paper.  Someone get the white one!

$1,800 from sissy tommikins!! Weeeeehaw! More updates later!  he also sucked FIVE cocks in the dirty book store in one afternoon.  Cost him $70 to keep the xrated movies in the booths running so he could do it.  hahahha!

weakloser I forgot the dollar amount you sent.  Message Me with it. 🙂 $412.00


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I’m HOT!

I'm HOT!

Congratulations you chronic liar, Princess Fan.  you now owe $1200 cash.  you WILL NEVER shop for ME again.  Cash only. FOREVER.  Don’t EVEN ask to buy ME anything again.  We never have the same discussion again.  you are PERMANENTLY FIRED from shopping.  It’s CASH or go find someone else.  I’m SICK of you and LOATHE you.

Well most of MY vacation shopping is done!  Yay!  I’ve started tanning again, to get ready for the sun.  I was soo friggin white!  The weather is so hot and muggy here.  Going to the gym and hitting the tan bed after.  I will only do it to vacation and won’t be tanning after.  I think the reason I look so youthful is because I keep My skin out of the sun for the most part.  The red bikini I got is the GREATEST red!  Can’t wait to wear it.

I will still be posting more summer shopping though, so prepare to hear your little wallets squeal!

Get this ring from Etsy!  I want it in size sure to put that in the message to her when you buy it. pinkywrapped

Here’s a shot of fagarina’s cash that just arrived and My lovely hand covering his return address.


Etsy Earrings
Etsy Super long Earrings
Big Moonstone Hoop Earrings from Etsy

The Custom Corset in Black

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