toiletbrush STILL NO FUCKING MISSME JEANS! you fucked the order up. They aren’t coming. I decided I don’t want anymore MissMe jeans. Now I want more HUDSON. Contact Me immediately. Since they are from the UK, you should have NO problem ordering them.
pedro sent $800 last night! HAHA! you little fuck! I WIN!! you NEVER will resist ME for long!
ATTN: senor doggy! Jeans arrived.need a different size. Contact Me immediately so we can reorder!
Good news! Sump Pump fixed and basement is clean.
awww man!! Usually the universe NEVER makes shitty shit happen to ME. My basement flooded a bit because of all the rain. I think my sump pump is broken! The backup battery for it was not set up after it ran out of fluid. Grrrr I know EXACTLY who to blame for that!!
Waaaah! It’s not really bad flooding.it’s like carpet of 1/3 of the basement is kinda wet and the bottom of some boxes got wet. But that’s where I do all My photos.
Quick! Take ME shopping to get My mind off My soggy basement! Oh get Me a new WHITE backdrop because the last of MY old roll got wet on one end. Sux! (p.s. u sux too!)
Well, My new wardrobe has been streaming in. UPS man is stacking boxes high in front of MY door. I LOVE all My Miz Mooz sandals. They really fit Me comfortably and the leather is nice and soft. I will be wanting MORE MORE MORE! Oh FYI! I added a new pair of sexy Harley boots to MY amazon wishlist for all you boot lovers.
buh-bye bitches!