pigsnot! We intend to wring you dry!! We WILL squeeze every last drop of cash you have! We will not be satiated until DUST flies out of your wallet!! After we are done with you, when you call your bank’s automated phone line to hear your balance..you will hear nothing but crickets!! hahaha!
I still don’t get why you are so hung up on only shopping with the “hidden wishlist address” feature?? Are you trying to be anonymous? you can choose to make ANY gift anonymous. Not sure you’re reasoning. Are you just too lazy to type in the Winchester address?? My other doucher minions do it all the time – why are you such a retard pig? Did your mama drop you on your pig head when you were a small little piglet?
hahhaha Either way. I have added more items and so has the spectacular Stevie. GET TO SHOPPING! you still need to match the other high dollar item. This is your destiny! you have tried to escape US on numerous occasions!! But you can not deny your ONE TRUE calling–To lay gifts at the perfect feet of the DAZZLING DEADLY DARLINGS ..THE SEDUCTIVE SIRENS…SIERRA and STEVIE. 2 Goddesses..1 pigsnot. We will Destroy you in PERFECT Harmony!