Noticed that simon sent $200 a few days ago I didn’t notice until now. Just got $400
pigsnot I put the wrong TV on MY list! boohoo!! If there is any way possible see if you can cancel it and get THIS ONE instead! If not, I will exchange it for that one. 🙁 boo! Send ME a message here and let Me know if you could cancel and re-order or not. They better send ME a fucking packing slip!
pigsnot watch 12:04 a.m. Looks like after the first shopping sprees and repurchases of items that didn’t come first try, he has now done another $6,000 worth of NEW shopping! What have the rest of you numbnuts done for Me lately??? pigsnot!! you still out there, you liquored up loser?? I hope so! I also hope they are still letting you use your card!! We are still managing to find things we don’t have already on amazon! We are replenishing our wishlist!
pigsnot watch 10:35 p.m. Software, Dyson Fan and Ipod Nano purchased! I’ll tally up our spoils again!
pigsnot watch 10:20 p.m. piggy’s emails keep getting more difficult to understand because he is sooo boozed up! you still owe Me a Dyson fan, a few pair of shoes and the Dreamweaver software!! We are keeping track, pussypig!
pigsnot watch 8:10 p.m He got My tv!! he’s drinking! Looks like we are DEFINITELY staying in for the evening!
pigsnot watch! Oooh somebody is online right this second, punching the the BUY button! We might even stay in on a Friday night just so we can keep updating our greedy wishlists! Are you going to be home alone and wimpified tonight, piggy snot boy?? Would you like to have a little Friday date-night with sweet Stevie and precious Princess?? Perhaps Me and Her will hang around in our jamjams, drinking wine at Her house, while perusing amazon on our two adorable matching Mac Baby Airbooks while you sit there far far away somewhere over the internet with your little pud pounding in your piggy panties, spending THOUSANDS of more dollars on Us?? Whatcha say, dumdum?
Update: Go pigsnot! Go! Get the TV! Get the TV! Stop skipping it over! you know you will cave soon, anyway! HA! Don’t stop shopping! yaay! So far I think I see around $2,800 purchased between our two outrageous wishlists! We keep watching items disappearing and it’s making us drunk on our own AWESOMENESS! hahahaha!
Got My Soundsticks III computer speakers set up! They sound great! It’s soo easy to get everything working with My Macs. Everything networked so effortlessly.

pigsnot is still buying occasional gifts! Both of us updated our lists and expect those items to disappear! Both of us are ready to SPANK dat wallet again! I reeeally want that TV. Make it happen! I’ve added the Apple Protection to MY list and some software for MY new computers! We’ve added some matching items, as well. Double your credit card debt, Double OUR FUN! Put your porky snout to the floor and start SQUEEEEEALING!
Cash to pay for Our matching Ipad 2’s can be sent to:
SIERRA HORIZONS 6478 Winchester Blvd #901 Canal Winchester OH 43110 Send $1400 just to be safe. 🙂 Stevie and I are planning another night out on the town next week. This means photo opportunities! Perhaps if we are inspired deeply by a thoroughly RAVAGED amazon wishlist, We will take some creative shots especially for our personal shopping sow! Wouldn’t that be a treat for our lil porkchop?