fagarina sent $200 today and will have $300 in the mail by tomorrow!! Sorry little sap has been staring at MY pics all day and is in faga-frenzy!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Listen up, boys!

fagarella (that super annoying slutty fagarina wannabee) sent $400 amazon GC out of the blue. Nice try, but haven’t you noticed I just got a nearly a 40,000 amazon shopping spree?? I’d prefer CASH.not amazon GC’s at this moment. So send another $400 in cold hard cash you fucking freak of nature!
french fuck sent another $500. Still hate him! you have MY other demands..meet them quickly, bitch!
toiletbrush, I still have an issue with the leather jacket.
senor doggy..do you want to be ROADKILL??? I recommend you contact ME today to finish up your shopping!
mrobot activate and send $400! stewy, I think you have $200 in your pocket, send it to Me immediately!
pigsnot I have had a big shipping fiasco with the elliptical.BUT..it’s being shipped to Me directly on wednesday! They switched dates on ME but now it’s more convenient.so all is well! I got My Kindle Fire too! Pay down those credit cards! ALL your MONEY will be MINE! It will ALL be sucked up into the churning, burning, pit of MY incredibly delicious greed!!!! MOOOOOOOOOOORE! hahahahaha!
Lace Up Jacket size L
Lace Up Skirt size 12
If you want to buy the items above.email Me because I have a coupon code you can use.
$2000 nights are always NICE!

sissy tommikins called and sent ME $1500!! yaaay! What did he get in exchange, you ask? he got to suck 2 cocks! Because he begged sooo much, I set My microwave timer for 2 minutes.and gave him 2 minutes to spank his weenie.but of course he had to duct-tape his mouth shut so I didn’t have to hear any vile moans or groans. sissy tommikins has been paying ME for like 10 years! hahaha the best part of the call was when I accidentally had a brain-fart and said “bye bye timmy!”..oops..bet he felt like such a whore after I banged him outta soo much money and called him by the wrong name after dicking it to him SO hard! hahahahahaha! SUCKS to be him!
french fuck sent $500. Hate him.
My piggy banks!

$1,400 from wimpdick tonight! Such fun!! For his reward he got to eat an entire bulb of garlic and stick rooster chili sauce up his ass, slip in high heels and pull his back out of place! Omg he looked friggin ridiculous!
senor doggy! your ass is in BIG trouble! you said you would be back today to finish shopping at Cache! I have a coupon! Call immediately to finish up! you have earned a penalty! senor doggy did send $800 and spent a few hundred dollars shopping for Me..but his ass is still in trouble!
The rest of you! To MY donation page NOW!
MY Iphone arrived today from pigsnot and MY big honking generator is here too! 🙂
note to pigsnot
pigsnot UPS called ME back and the TV was a screw up. I thought I was getting another free TV outta the blue. Oh well. I just had them forward the tivo cuz I was too lazy to go get it. I updated My wishlist! you are SUCH a lucky old fart to have Me rape your wallet so long and hard!
Fall Shopping Wishlist
Get this sweater in Black size L
Sweater Jacket size L
Leopard Sweater Size L
Quilted Vest size L
Rocking Ringlets I’m out of this! Get a bottle. Citrus Lavender wimpdick
Awe Inspiring Spray Never tried this. Get a bottle! Citrus Lavender wimpdick
Scrunching Towel (get 2) wimpdick
Update!! Good news! pigsnot paid his credit cards down another $3,000!! Sooo $1,500 for Me..and $1,500 for Stevie! The piggy is still on a rampage!! he just bought Me the Iphone 4 for like $600 off amazon! hahaha! Get those Guess tops in the cart boy! We want to see our wishlist disappear before Our very eyes! Hocus Pocus paid by the dopus! My huge wishlist! Now you see it — now you don’t!!
pigsnot. Get the sweaters and dishware off MY list. Me and Stevie are sorting out the electronics right now. Wait on those. Did you order a samsung tv by mistake? UPS just called and told Me that a big screen tv and Stevie’s tivo showed up? If so, I’ll be returning the tv and keeping the refund. 🙂 I have an idea how to return that first phone. Go to EASY RETURNS..then put RETURN A GIFT..put in order # and put MY email and Sierra Horizons where to send the receipt. Save the RETURN Label and email it to ME. easy!!
Plundered Prezzies from the piggy!

Oooh I put on a $700+ generator on MY wishlist and the ukraine just bought it! I’ve always thought it would be a good idea to have one in case of emergencies. Now if the electricity goes out this winter for a few days like it did last year, I’ll still be able to diffuse MY hair! yay!! yay!!
Items continue to pour in. This is what was delivered to My front door by UPS just TODAY. (This doesn’t count the 3 packages USPS sent that I had already tore into!)
pigsnot bought a few more things off MY list yesterday including a jacket and some hair and beauty products. What a good little piggy. he asked ME what I would do if I met him in person in the future and I told him, that I would kick the hell out of his balls! Perhaps one swift kick for every thousand dollars he has spent on SIERRA and Company! Oh My! Can you imagine how big his balls would be..balls the size of his head! haha!
vintage furfreak did $500 and did about $200 shopping today.

wimpdick sent another $200 last night. he’s been on a total binger! HA!!! I’m not sure how he’s going to buy groceries this month..but I’m not sure I care! 🙂
pigsnot continues to shop! his credit cards are drained, yet he makes sure the last dollars left on them go to ME!! he spent a few more hundred yesterday! There’s a GUESS jacket on MY list I want, pigsnot! Get to it. done! I know you have suffered, I know you are broke, busted and your credit cards maxxed..but find a way to get it, too!! hahaha!
The rest of you should think of pigsnot as inspiration. If he can suffer..so can you!
pigsnot maxxed his card on Princess. Can you?? “YES YOU CAN!”
pigsnot sacrificed so that he may give unto his GODDESS. Can you?? “YES YOU CAN!”
pigsnot sent Princess loads of cash and prizes. Can you?? “YES YOU CAN!”
If pigsnot can do these things..there is no reason you can’t. Follow in his example! Even if you can’t afford the amount that he did..you can SACRIFICE all that you have. If you have savings, are buying things for yourself, have credit cards that aren’t being used..if you can afford vacations, nice cars, dinners out, going to the movies, coffee at StarBucks..you CAN SUFFER FOR ME..and obviously are NOT SUFFERING enough. None of you deserve these luxuries! NONE of you!! Instead, do what you were born to do, destined to do, meant to. Throw your money at MY feet and worship Me like the GOD I AM.