Oh My..all the little freaks were spazzing today because My journal was down all day! It had expired and I had forgotten to renew it. I hope none of you leaped off a tall building or something..well those of you who don’t pay Me..I guess I do hope you did.
My weekend was chaotic. Sometimes having everybody in the world in love with you..can be a BIG ol’ pain in the ass. Seriously. I’m staying home and juicing and working out and hiding MY perfection from the world for the rest of the week. Well, I’ll do that and take all you dumbfucks money as well. heehee!
The full moon is coming..which one of you has Princess decided to do a LOVE spell on?! you might have a hard time sleeping in the next few nights. Muahahahaha! Be happy it’s just a coersive love spell..it could be much worse! Think of what I do to the guys who actually PISS ME off?!