Category Archives: Uncategorized



Update: $200 from screwy stewy.
Update: $400 from toiletbrush.  Got him drunk again!
Update: Just got $600 from sissy clarissa and watched him make sweet love to his humungous new black dong.  GROSS! HA!

Back from My road trip and had a blast!  Me and some friends have decided we want to go on another road trip in a few months..either west or down south towards TENN, ALABAMA and GA.  So who’s going to pay for 5 girls to rent a luxury RV and go to all the hillbilly hotspots??!?!  I think it will be a blast.  I only want to travel in one of those super luxury giant RV’s.and I want WIFI in it.   I can’t imagine what we will see in those RV parks!  I’m sure it will be a surreal adventure.   hairlip, ready to fund another vacation?? HEEHEE!!  Oh another thing hairlip, that last thick silver ring you bought..never got here. Look into it!

Well since I’m refreshed and reinvigorated..I’ll be doing phone calls this week.  Give ME a call..if you DARE! 614-525-1212

Stevie wrote another hysterical journal!  It’s like a total breadcrumb trail for pigsnot to follow, straight to our loving and ever welcoming AMAZON WISHLISTS!  I know some of you ass-eaters have gotten tax refunds that you have not forked over to your ROYAL HOTNESS yet!  HAND IT OVER, bitch!!  It’s MINE!

fatmac, I haven’t boxed up those shoes to return yet..but plan on doing it today.  In the meantime, you can buy Her another pair!

I’ll be adding more items to MY wishlist today!


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Road Trip, Mula and Mexicans in the park…

Road Trip, Mula and Mexicans in the park...

$500 from pedro.  About time!  he took so long, that I am going to make him wait to talk to Me.  Princess does NOT like waiting.  I might be available for a call tonight, pedro.  (if I feel like it)  Weather has been nice and I’ve been making the most out of it.  Taking a long road trip and will be gone a week.  Plan to leave the 14th. I will most likely check internet at night and will have MY phone on ME to send orders and collect your cash!  Send cash and pay for our road trip!  As usual, I have FUN and you have NONE!

Princess fan, you played your little ask-a-shit-ton-of-questions-and-not-pay game again.  So now you are up to $600.  Every time you message ME BEFORE paying, I will raise it another $100. Try Me, bitch!

A group of us went to a park on Easter Sunday that we knew would be full of Mexicans to Beaner-Watch whilst drinking beer outta plastic cups.  Mexicans love Easter.  They were cracking pinatas and cooking up the craziest shit on their grills!  White people do hamburgers and hotdogs and occasionally chicken on park charcoal grills, but those Mexicans cook 4 course meals!   The women all stand around and stare at the grill while their little men kick balls around or play with the children.  I watched in wander and awe as this one lady put a HUGE pot on her itty bitty grill and poured an entire jug of liquid Crisco and threw in all kinds of unidentifiable meat parts into it!  After that, her and her sisters put these huge, whole fish that looked like flounder into the enormous pot O lard.  Absolutely fascinating!  Mexicans never cease to entertain Me.   This reminds Me..where’s that Mexican slave of Mine, senor doggy!?!  Bitch, I don’t think you’ve paid ME since way before Ash Wednesday!  Get your brown ass online and send ME your cash!

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God’s Lost Sheep all come baaaaaa-aa-ck!

God's Lost Sheep all come baaaaaa-aa-ck!

Update:  Another $100 from louzer.
Wow I’m smart! I got that scanner set up and it’s working.  She just pointed her gun in someone’s face!

tom the turd returneth!  he sent $400 which fully covered the 2nd police scanner!  yay!  Can’t wait for UPS to bring Me today’s goodies!  I think the first scanner should be here today. 🙂  Hopefully, they aren’t too hard to figure out how to set up!

brad the fag  don’t bother replying until you have made a donation.  I finally logged into MY Schwab account and looked up how much I made on those Apple shares I bought way back when.  I made about $7,000  for every $1000 I bought.  I only bought about $3,000 shares at the time.  I sure wish I bought more !  Yes, you were the one who recommended it.  Big whooop.  you haven’t done squat for Me in years!  you better make a donation today before I manifest a tumor in your brain with MY super powers!

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your Tax Refunds All Belong to ME!

your Tax Refunds All Belong to ME!

Update:  pigsnot just bought the wireless $300 Bose Soundlink for my friend. The car charger for it is still waiting for you, so is the 2nd police scanner.  🙂  Oh, and don’t forget to get another gmail account.  your other one is defunct.  (wonder how that happened?)  looooozer!   FYI all ya’z bitches!  TRYING to quit Princess is only setting yourself for failure.  you shut down your amazon accounts, your paypal accounts, your credit cards.  you block Me on your yahoo messenger.and what happens?? What always happens??? you little bitches all come back and have to re-open it.and get slapped with a penalty for going AWOL.  This only proves to yourself how difficult it is to escape ME.  The fact that you come back over and over and over  CLEARLY SHOWS that you are absolutely addicted to ME.   Quitting ME (unsuccessfully) leads to convincing yourself that you are addicted.  SO..solve the problem..instead of proving that you are addicted by your constant failure of “quitting” ME,  just make serving ME part of your REALITY.part of your NORMAL life.   See, sickness cured.  Thank Me now for MY guidance.

twinkie’s tax refund!  $1,960!  he sent his tax refund in it’s entirety.  Now where is yours!?!?! toejamjam came out of hiding and bought the police scanner!!  We want 2 of 1 more is available for purchase.  Get on it!

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Special Shopping Requests for paypigs

Special Shopping Requests for paypigs

Somebody!  Get Me the Police Scanner off My amazon wishlist!

pigsnot! If you are reading this and trying to quit again..GIVE IT UP!  There’s more electronics on MY list!  And I know how you get a oldgeezerboner for buying electronics!  Those Bose Soundlinks are great!  She wants one too!  Get the Soundlink, the radio scanner and the car charger!  I don’t care if you have to sell your wife’s xanax on the street for cash!  I assume most of your guys’ wives are on anti-depressants being married to you freaks of nature and all!  So.start dipping in to her stash and start selling it on the streets or something! haha!

louzer sent $100.  Oh boy I’m just jumping up and down in excitement.         not.

$500 from the ukraine.   Slow day!  Step it up a notch, you dumb fucks!

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April Fools, May Fools, June Fools .. ..

I was going to put a photo of a positive pregnancy test on today’s journal and add a bunch of maternity items on My wishlist as a April Fools joke and see how many of you fall for it. But alas, I was afraid  fatmac might jump off his lazyboy to his death or something and toiletbrush would cry all day.  So no April Fools prank this year.


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pigsnot gets gangbanged! Financial Domination !

New earrings by hairlip.  I love them! They are the shiniest silver earrings.  Etsy rocks!

pigsnot had some beers and revisited Our wishlist! Yaaay!!  pigsnot!! Go get one more $350 Bose Soundlink Wireless Mobile, so we can ALL have one! hahaha! Check out got so far! $2221.00 worth of TOYS!  I’m gonna add more stuff on MY list right now!! Oh pigsnot revealed to ME that his computer is a $300 Acer computer that he got at Walmart! hahahaha!  Perfect!  he bought us like 6 computers in the last year and he has a Walmart special!  hahahhahahha! LOVE IT!

GO PIGSNOT, GO! We will never let you go! Spend your money, like it’s funny! GO PIGSNOT, GO!  GO! FIGHT!  WINNNNNN! PRINCESS!  (pretty obvious I wasn’t a cheerleader in school, huh?)  Stevie, could probably do better cuz She was! hahahaha!

We got:
(2) $350 Bose Soundlink Wireless Mobile
(2) $250 Bose Sound docks
$272 Ipod touch
$42 pizza round
$40 tripod
$41 backup macbook cord
$80 MissMe Jeans
$220 Garmin
$150 Dyson Fan
$176 Satellite Mobile Wireless Storage

Oh I forgot to mention that louzer sent $100. hahaha! Tragic!

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