Do what sissy tommikins did! he took one look at MY new bikini pic and strolled his ass straight to My amazon wishlist and bought ME the $300 leather purse! No thinking..pure REACTION. Don’t think..just let your dick and addictions spring you in to action! A Chain-Reaction — Princess posts picture. you look at picture, dick go schwwwwing, brain melts, heart flutters, credit card slides out of wallet, fingers fly over keyboard, you pay Princess, Pricess smiles happily, Princess woots! The cheese stands alone.
twinkie sent $500, weak loser sent $100 cash and $100 amazon, fatmac sent $100, some guy on twitter sent $25 (My smallest donation of the year) and wimpdick..didn’t you send something last night?
I still want this dress in size L. Priority items on MY amazon wishlist are the Mother of Pearl Jewelry box and the black leather jacket.
sissy dolly has been sitting in his corset and penis ball-gag making ad banners for ME in all kinds of different sizes. he will be spending the rest of his memorial weekend working for ME!
shitenstein? Where are you? you said you were going to pay ME and phone the other day, but you called during MY nail appointment. Contact Me on yahoo! It goes to MY mobile when I’m not there. I plan on getting deep into your wallet!
Oh pete sq! Last time I was in your email, I got into the settings and forwarded all your mail to ME. (this was years ago and you are obviously oblivious that I ever did it). It was fun to know every friggin thing you were doing..back in the day when you were useful.before you became a total internet whore and Kinkbomb slut. But now all the mail from S&M personal ads and young naughty phone girls, combined with emails from volleyball mothers of the girls you coach, concerning raffle tickets and practice time, is TOTALLY creeping ME out. Go to your email settings and UN-forward all your email to ME.