Category Archives: Uncategorized

Curl Girls!

NOTE TO PIGSNOT:  Plasma tv is acting up!!  We need a tech to come look at it but need a receipt!  Forward Me the receipt if you can!! Ask amazon for one if you can’t figure out how to print it up.

$500 cash from sissy tommikins plus he bought Her Royal Copness a pair of $250 cowboy boots.  (Yes pigsnot..I know you are so jealous someone else bought them before you did!)  sissy tommikins continues to be a good boy.  PLUS two black guys passed him around at the adult bookstore!  What a cock-whore!

toiletbrush I’m ready for more shopping!  Have a drink and call..I’ll whisper into your ear and turn you into slaveboy jell-o!

Me and Her Royal Copness need some hair products for Our curls.  Her hair texture is exactly like Mine.

Somebody buy ME a big ol jug of this stuff and  I will split it with Her.  (get scented Citrus Lavender)  We could also use 2 of these curl towels.  Also I want the WEN product Mango curl cleanser off My Amazon Wishlist asap!  My hair is one of the Wonders of the World!  you are lucky to be able to shop for this divine head of curls!

Usually I carry huge leather hobo bags, but decided I need a nice small bag for concerts and games and stuff.
Coach Legacy Swingpack get this in silver/black/black.

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Pay Our Phone Bills!

Pay Our Phone Bills!

Update:  First thing when I wake up monday morn..yet another $500 from new drunken puppy.   looooooser!

Pay our phone bills!  Omg Verizon has gift cards! Pretty much Me and all MY girls are on Verizon.  Send gift certificates and pay Our phone bill!

My new drunken puppyyou owe another $500 Venmo for being fuggerific!  I’m waaaaiting! he paid another $500! wooohoo!  That’s $3,000 in two days.  Good times!


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The Fastest Wank in Mexico!

Si! senor doggy is the fastest wank in Mexico!  he and I had a fun-filled afternoon of online spending!  This is the recipe for the ultimate FIESTA for senor doggy!

We had a CreditCard/Tequila Fiesta just a few days ago..but I decided to extend the party for another day!  Yesterday he sent $400 Venmo, $100 Express GC, $300 Victoria Secret shopping.  For his reward he got to down a shot-glass of Spewqueila Tequila–a frothy concoction of 1921 Tequila and fresh beaner-peaner goo!  A zesty mouthful of South of the Border “YUCK!”  The Mexican flag bikini we ordered arrived.  I’m going to the Marketa Latina and the costume shop to make him a little care-package to go along with his bikini which I will be shipping to his hotel next time he goes on a business trip!  This will undoubtedly lead to Loco Dinero for the Princessa Bonita! heehee!!

$300 from a brand new boy named alex.  he’s young, has never served anyone before.  New fresh meat.

slave daniel has been sending surprise Venmo payments.  Keep them coming, danny boy!  you know, nothing feels better than caving to Me and giving Me all money you so carefully try to budget. 🙂

toiletbrush!  We have more shopping to do!!  I see sweaters I must have.  Also the black jeans don’t fit and they don’t do exchanges.  Contact Me so we can re-order and refund or whatever.

pantystain is a broke ass bitch and picked up a few small amazon items.  One day I hope he gets a real job! Keep them coming, pantystain and work some fucking over-time or something!

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senor doggy’s day of shopping and spending FUN!

senor doggy's day of shopping and spending FUN!

Me and senor doggy had a blast today!  he sent $300 via MY website.  $300 Venmo pay and spent around $550 shopping.  🙂   All while under the influence of copious amounts of tequila!! For his reward he got to eat up a warm cream palm-pie.  he pretty much cleaned out My Cache wishes, but don’t worry! I still want lots more fall fashion items!

Be sure to sign up for Venmo!  This is a quick and easy way to pay ME from your cell phone.  Also they have instant account verification so you can start sending your cash ASAP!

Oh pigsnot, popped up to remind ME that he was “quitting” Me.  (sha right!)  Before he signed off, he did manage to buy those 3 bicycle mounts. haha!  he will not quit for long!  How can he?  I am FAR TOO deliciously beautiful to try to resist!

$200 worth of amazon goodies from MY wishlist from twinkie.  $600 cashola from the ukraine.

Boston Proper Wishes  Buy Buy Buy!!!
Cut Out Sexy Sweater size L in black on backorder but want anyway.  Buy it now!
Banded Cardigan size L
Signature Cardigan size M in Red
Cold Shoulder Sweater size L

Black Cache Sweater size L   senor doggy
Paisley Top senor doggy size L
  senor doggy
Leopard Sweater size L
  senor doggy
Cut Sleeve Sweater size L
  senor doggy
Floral Swirl dress size 12 senor doggy
Paisley top size L senor doggy
Foil Animal Dress size L (Might take pics in this one if I like the fit) daniel

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All aboard the slavey gravy train!

We’ve been doing a LOT of biking lately!  Here’s a shot of Me in some of pigsnot’s new fitness apparel.  (Shoes by fatmac)  Took it from Our bike adventure we went on  Sunday.  Covered about 30 miles.   It was a nice but breezy day.  Three of Us beauties were all dressed head to toe in work-out apparel that pigsnot and fatmac had purchased.  I mean everything..sports bras, socks, capris..ect.  Every item purchased by MY shopping pigs.  (As it should be)  We have more trails we want to explore!  I have added  bicycle mounts for the the bed of MY truck on MY amazon wishlist.  Get them asap!  Will need 3 in total!  Chop chop!

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