sissy tommikins second 64 gb ipod touch arrived. This one is pink. I think I might exchange it for the blue one at the apple store because the pink is kinda salmon colored.

$200 more from the prisoner, $400 from twinkie and screwy stewy continues to clean out MY wishlist!
Nail broke, fatmac. you know what that means!
Busted into the italian prisoner’s facebook and scared the bjesus out of him. Of course I saved up a few pictures of him pushing his baby stroller around and posing with his wife and weenier dog. you men truly sicken Me. fagarina’s envelope of cash arrived today. I said $400 not $300! Get the other $100 in the mail before I break bad on your ass!
Had a wonderful weekend! Hope yours sucked! Me and My lover had dinner at fatmac’s expense. We also met some friends at the Casino and had a very awesome weekend. (Although I hate Casinos..I still had fun making fun of people and drinking. This one isn’t very crowded.I can’t deal with the huge crowded casinos) Princess is not gambler. Losing money is so bizarro to Me. I just played penny slot machines. Generally, I think people look pretty miserable at most casinos. They totally do not look like they are having any fun. Sad little zombies mindlessly tossing money into machines. Nobody claps, laughs, or talks. People kept thinking we had hit it big because we were screaming our heads off because we won $25 on the penny machine. One of the chicks who worked there said they actually have had numerous addicted slot players actually SHIT their pants because they refuse to leave their machine. How pathetic. Princess addiction is SO much more fun and rewarding. Paying Princess is always a WIN WIN situation! I win! I win! I push all your buttons, get your wheels spinning, you yank your crank and watch your money disappear while My gorgeous baby blues LIGHT UP!! Be My My jackass jackpot, baby!
Speaking of gambling, pig snot wants us to meet him in Vegas..but I don’t like Vegas. Went last year and decided never again. Go someplace beautiful, nature-y and relaxing and maybe I’ll meet you after you pay for the entire trip with the finest accommodations, kick your ass and max all your cards, old man! In the meantime..My amazon wishlist needs a thorough licking! On your knees and clean up all those items, pigsnot. you can’t hide forever!