Category Archives: Uncategorized

Diva Demands!

Diva Demands!

Update: got another $200 from toiletbrush!  Call again.and I’ll whisper your money away!

Update:  toiletbrush has a Viagra-dick!  Just got $300 and a big bouquet of flowers!  I plan to get more!!  Remember boys:  Viagra is your friend! Pop and shop, losers! Pop and shop!

$300 from cross-eyed slave.  he had to borrow it from his mom who put it in his account.    HAHA!

Just made toiletbrush pop 3 Viagra!  Time for some drinks to go with your little blue pills, toiletbrush.  Princess will have some fun with you!

Also I want to redo MY bedroom and guest room a bit!  Get bedding off My Amazon wishlist now!!

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More tabs for boys to pick up!

Went to a hockey game!  Kinda lame.drank a few beer and had to pee during the entire game!  So many ugly people!  After the game, We had a little snack at some place downtown. Email Me, if you want to be one of our “Tab slaves”.  you must be able to receive texts.  We send you a picture of Our either VENMO or paypal Me the cash to cover it.  It’s kinda like going on a date with ME.well, not really! hahahaha!  Get on in the lesbian action by sending your money to US while WE have fun!  Beer, food and laughs..ALL on you!  Cept you get to stay home with your pud in your hand.while WE enjoy Ourselves.all at your expense!  GOOD TIMES, bitchboys! Muahahaha!

screwy stewy continues to shop My amazon wishlist, like a good little shit nugget!

toiletbrush  I’ll be at the house all day.  So call and we will finish some shopping! you are getting this dress too.

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Free manicures for Princesses!

Free manicures for Princesses!

Soooo some of MY trendier friends were telling ME that My french manicure was outta style. (boo!)  So I got some crazy gel polish on MY last manicure.   Just a little iphone video of MY amazing color changing nail polish and My divine model hands!  fatmac pays for all MY manicures.  A little wild for MY taste..I will probably go with some sort of shade of nude next time.  OR I might just continue with My outta style french manicure because I love how smart and clean they look!

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Send your $ LOVE $ to your Bitchy Valentine!

Send your $ LOVE $ to your Bitchy Valentine!

Another $800 from sissy tommikins!!  The adult bookstore had a porn star there signing DVD’s so they had the booths chained off.  No dick for tommikins tonight.  he’s so sad.  he’s sniffing the pits on MY dress to cheer himself up! We just added up tommikins’ donations for the last 30 days. he sent $7,600!!!  Funniest thing!?  his fairy wand was hard as a rock as I rattled off the amounts and he entered them in his calculator! hahahaha!

pantystain also has been hitting My wishlist! Way to go, boys!  I finally got his package sent off to him.  I’m sure he’ll be running back to paypal as soon as he smells My perfume!

toiletbrush!  Valentine’s Day is coming.  Contact ME, I want more flowers!

Princess fan  Email ME about the WHBM return.  Did they send MY gift card to Me?

fatmac just bought My sister V the Great a new $300 phone.  haha! his head is always spinning in 10 directions trying to serve My entire Posse.

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Here’s a bill we got on Superbowl Sunday that we sent to fatty to pay.  Paypal received immediately!  Don’t you wish you could pick up one of Our tabs? (jacket by Princess fan, silver ring by Princess fan. I think, blue ring from Girlfriend, HUGE smile from ALWAYS GETTING EVERYTHING I FRIGGIN WANT!)

Update: sissy tommikins woke up and immediately looked at Me and Her Royal Copness’s photo on his phone and ran straight to MY wishlist and bought 3 pairs of thermal socks and pajamas for Her and a nightgown for MYself.  hahahhaha!  tommikins is gonna be in the total PO’ house for the rest of the month!  Sign up for government cheese, because we will be just as stunning next month, tommikins! MUAHAHAHA!

Can you believe it?? sissy tommikins is still reeling from the scent of My perfume!  he sent yet another $700 today and went straight out to his favorite adult bookstore and got ANOTHER dick–a black one tonight!  clap clap clap!   Oh but that’s not all!  One of the guys he sucked this week gave tommikins his phone number because tommikins’ sucking techniques were so superb.  Practice makes perfect!  I think I will make tommikins set up a google voice # so he can give out a number and guys can call him and demand impromptu prick rendezvous!  I told tommikins it would be brilliant to print out “Professional Flufferboy and Cocksucker technician” biz cards to give out after every cock he finishes..but tommikins didn’t think it was that good an idea. hahahahaha!
$200 from new cross-eyed slave who also drank his pee for the first time.  Another freak of nature, christened by piss by Princess.

pantystain got a few more items of Our wishlist including a paddle holster, handcuff case and winter socks for HRC and some hair oil for ME.  Oh, I’m running late on shipping that dress, pantystain.hopefully I will get it out by Tuesday.

Going out for SuperBowl Sunday today.  Of course Her Royal Copness will be there.  Pay Us while we Partay!  DONATION FOR THE LESBIAN NATION!


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Gifts from Goddess

Gifts from Goddess

Update: sissy tommikins sent $2,500 total today after enjoying MY sniffable gifts! Oh he also got a bottle of perfume for HRC.  So.let’s add up how much he spent on this dress..he bought the dress for $1,000, got crazy dreaming about the dress and sent another $500 then sent $2,500 the day he got the dress.  heehee!

Update:  Sent tommikins out to suck dick.  he got 3 tonight!  Read the comment where he describes it in lurid detail!  he had a really wild time tonight!  The pervs were OUT tonight with their dicks out.  Ewww!

OMG Listening to tommikins open MY package. he is literally bawling like a baby.  hahahaha!  he just sent $1,000 and he hasn’t even unraveled the dress yet!

oh a guy named jason.sent $100.  big whoop

I can’t get enough of Etsy and it’s one-of-kind items.  Also.I try to choose items made from Females.  So your money goes to an artistic Woman and I get the item I want!
Infinite Beauty Knick-knack
Mermaid Box
Magic Knick-knack

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sissy tommikins won the auction!

Update: pantystain sent $400 for his special worn item

Update:  sissy tommikins is losing his mind!  he just sent another $400.  $1,400 today! This guy has spent so much on Me the last few months!   Imagine what’s going to happen when he gets his nose up to the armpits of MY dress..smells MY flesh and perfume!!  CHA-CHING!!

Princess didn’t have to wait very long!

sissy tommikins paid $1,000 for the dress.  he was so excited about having the dress that I decided to end the auction.  Seriously, he was weeping with joy on the phone and proclaiming it was the happiest day of his life!   hahahaha!

I have also decided to offer pantystain an item because he wrote such an eloquent email with his offer.  I will be shipping him something else and he will send $400 for the item plus he sent $100 towards our phone bill.  toiletbrush might receive the dress in the photo above if he coughs up $1,000 like tommikins did.  Otherwise, I won’t part with this dress because I kinda like it.

pantystain’s email
Dear Goddess Princess Sierra!
Princess, I sent my regular contribution to YO and YOUR GF’s Verizon bill tonight. Thanks again for allowing me the honor of contributing, Maam.

Also, please allow me to respectfully offer $400 for YOUR sacred worn dress. If i may, please allow me to try to exceed any offer that comes in higher than this. This is a rare opportunity to own a garment that has been in contact with the world’s most perfect aura of a living Goddess. i should use it in meditation to YOUR greatness and not defile it by placing it on my unworthy male body where it would pollute YOUR aura with my inferior male auric emanations. (If I even have any 🙂 )

Thank You for even taking time to read this, PRINCESS!

you should all learn something from these obedient and polite slaves!


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