Category Archives: Uncategorized

doomed brit trapped in MY web!

doomed brit trapped in MY web!

Oh My!  It’s been a bit since I updated.  Got busy with taxes and stuff.

This weekend doomed brit dropped $300.  Yeh, the little fuck just couldn’t escape MY deadly grip around his squishy little brain!  I plan on getting MORE of his hard earned cash this week plus make him do some humiliating photos!  toiletbrush also sent $300.  toiletbrush, you owe another $300 for not buying that fat boy fairy outfit in a timely manner!

$500 from some terrance!  hahaha!  you are so fucking easy!

pigsnot’s order didn’t go through amazon so he wired us the money! Weeeee! Even better.  I will be sending Stevie Her cut!  Hey pigsnot, isn’t wiring big sums of $$$ fun!?!!  Why not have a few drinks and let’s do it again!!!  And get that Amazon account working!  We have lots of shit on Our list you need to buy!!

pantystain, those documents about the returns you sent Me weren’t saved correctly or something.  They wouldn’t open!  Fix it! done!

Well I’m kinda tired.  Had a busy weekend.  The weather was so nice!  Went out for steaks and drinks on Saturday and Sunday had a picnic and took a hike.  Going to bed early tonight!  Tata, suckers!

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The Girls Continue to Gangbang you bitchboys!

The Girls Continue to Gangbang you bitchboys!

$500 from the fat and fugalicious freak,  fagarella.  $400 from terrance.  We has been raking in some prezzies!   screwy stewy overnighted a pair of brown leather boots for The Lady Cop as well as bought Me some nice bed sheets.  fatmac overnighted a box of goodies from Express and pantystain also got a nice leather ankle holster.  pigsnot is poking around again and ordered $1400 worth of Amazon swag but is having problem with the order.  Me and Stevie are impatiently tapping our toes and plotting your demise if you don’t get our order fixed IMMEDIATELY.  you will have to buy us a penalty gift for keeping us waiting!!  your brain should be feeling like it’s gonna explode with all the bad juju and nasty vibes We are sending your way as We furiously text each other about you!  Stevie totally conjured you up, you know!!  you SOOO must longingly stare at Our wishlists daily to catch that She put that item up for you just hours earlier! hahahaha!!  What a fucking piggy-bitch-sow you are, pigsnot!  you know you are covered in man-mucous, slobbering over Our wishlists all the frickin’ time as you PRETEND to be a normal husband to your clueless wife!!  HOW PATHETIC are you!??!

mrobot activate! Download programming. …. Download complete:
Wiping old memory files.
COMMAND:  Log into paypal.
Entering erection mode.
COMMAND:  Send $300 to Princess.  ….  Stand by…
COMMAND:  Contact Me on yahoo after you have completed your programming task.

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pigsnot you cumstained freak of nature!

pigsnot you cumstained freak of nature!

pigsnot! There’s a problem with your order!!  Get back to ME.  If they won’t let you order the first items, we will replace with other items that cost the same amount.  Plus HRC needs more gift cards at Cabella’s for mags for Her glock.  Hurry back! you have standing orders!

$420 worth of shopping by fatmac!

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Obey and pay, My lowly minions!

Obey and pay, My lowly minions!

My favorite police officer got a promotion!  We shall celebrate and you shall pay!!  Woohoo!!!

Hi dumdums!  My house guests are gone! Time to shop and send Me lots of $$$$$!  Updated My Amazon wishlist with loads of goodies!  Get your flabby, faggy, freaky, worthless asses in gear NOW!  Taking phone calls from those who send a hefty donation.  🙂  Oh yeh, who wants to pay for My romantic cabin stay this month!?  We’re thinking about doing it in about 3 weeks.  you should all be getting back your tax refunds!  Is that your check from the IRS?!  I’ll take that!

Oh I really love the shower curtain terrance bought!  Looks beautiful in My bathroom.  I sent fatmac My old black Nike Shox.  Wore the fuckers for years!   I will be making a personal shopping list for him.  I’m sure the aroma of MY blessed feet will put him in a stupor! Cha-ching!



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Still have a full house!

Update:  Etsy Stuff
Silver earrings
Edgy Silver Earrings
Teardrop earrings

Still have family over.  Sunday I will be doing calls again.
I added a bunch of shit to MY Amazon wishlist.  Get to shopping!!!  I will be adding more Etsy stuff, later.   I need more earrings!

toiletbrush bought Me this framed art.  Ok..I think MY art tirade is done.  I have replaced all the wall hangings I am bored with!  This one will also go in MY living room and will match this huge piece.


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The Gift of Art

The Gift of Art

$500 from toiletbrush.  $500 from twinkie.  $200 from toe jamjam. That  framed art that I wanted arrived today.  LOVE IT!!!  I have one more piece I want.  I’ll post it soon.

Mom’s here for a week.  I probably will be turning off MY main phone line.   I don’t need pervs ringing in the middle of the night and waking her.  If you want to spoil message ME or text if you have MY cell phone!  I will still be answering those like usual.


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