Oh My! It’s been a bit since I updated. Got busy with taxes and stuff.
This weekend doomed brit dropped $300. Yeh, the little fuck just couldn’t escape MY deadly grip around his squishy little brain! I plan on getting MORE of his hard earned cash this week plus make him do some humiliating photos! toiletbrush also sent $300. toiletbrush, you owe another $300 for not buying that fat boy fairy outfit in a timely manner!
$500 from some terrance! hahaha! you are so fucking easy!
pigsnot’s order didn’t go through amazon so he wired us the money! Weeeee! Even better. I will be sending Stevie Her cut! Hey pigsnot, isn’t wiring big sums of $$$ fun!?!! Why not have a few drinks and let’s do it again!!! And get that Amazon account working! We have lots of shit on Our list you need to buy!!
pantystain, those documents about the returns you sent Me weren’t saved correctly or something. They wouldn’t open! Fix it! done!
Well I’m kinda tired. Had a busy weekend. The weather was so nice! Went out for steaks and drinks on Saturday and Sunday had a picnic and took a hike. Going to bed early tonight! Tata, suckers!