A little sissy bitch I used to talked to back in mid 90’s found his way back to MY lair. he sent $300. I’m not sure if he realized that the first 200 payment he sent is WEEKLY recurring! hehe. sissy jason..do you know that you signed up to pay ME $200 every week? If not, it much be Divine intervention! The Universe obviously WANTS you to pay ME forever! I’ve decided that sissy jason’s new and improved nickname is now sissy honey booboo. Cute huh? Giving Me dollahs, makes him holla!
$500 from daniel. I haven’t named him yet. I’m going to give him a bit of time to earn his worth and his nickname.
I think I received the last of the items that pigsnot purchased on his last drive-by looting! he got on yahoo and said his supposed “good-byes” ..again. he’s tried to quit us SO many times unsuccessfully. pigsnot, you are 100% lesbian owned and operated! you don’t make the decisions any more! WE DO! It’s over when We say it’s over. Which is NEVER! you are the official Queer Girls’ Gravy-Train and We intend to ride it for a long, long time! Toot Toot! p.s. Stock up that liquor cabinet! you get both BORING and delusional when you are sober. hahaha! I swear one day, I’m going to get a hold of you and brand a big double-Venus symbol right across your big blubbery arse! Or maybe a tattoo of a big pink Double-venus with $ signs raining down on it. you’re the lesbian’s leprechaun — so get a big mug of beer and dance the credit card jig for US!