Update: Yahooo!! Oh Mah Gawd pigsnot just bought the Holy Mother a Macbook Pro too!! I’m adding one more computer for the other sister!! Goddess Bless Us, every one of Us! Merry Xmas to Me and Mine, bitchboys!
Update: The Macbook pigsnot purchased officially shipped! Now I am working on pigsnot trying to get another one for My Mama!
Plus screwy stewy bought Me the $400 Dyson Heater on MY wishlist! Yahoo!! Here’s why I like screwy stewy more than the majority of you. Look at his sweet email.
pigsnot is back! he came up to tell Me that some loser had been impersonating him on ask.fm asking to buy stuff. Lame. No, seriously. Lame. you know you have hit rock bottom when you pretend to be pigsnot. hahahhahaha! Anyway, first he said he couldn’t shop.he “was so sorry”..blah blah. wah.wah..ect. ect. I starting coaxing him and voila! he bought My Sister a new laptop and The Holy Mother a Kindle! A Christmas Miracle! Nah, not really! Just another day of being the Princess of Awesome! Hellz Ya! Soon as this ships, he promises more shopping! XMAS Yay!!!!