Update: ludgerella from the sissy shire popped some Viagra and sent $400. you’re not done spoiling ME, ludgerella!
My brake control for the RV showed up today. (from slavey davey) Will have My local install it. We actually are bringing home the trailer Friday! Yay!
Phewww..what a weekend. Spent it running across the state looking at damned RV’s. We have been going in all kinds of directions..should we get a class C? Should we get a Travel Trailer? Class C We won’t have to hitch and unhitch it..but then we’d have to tow a smaller vehicle. Class C lose their value quicker. Travel trailer will take less gas. Travel trailers might be hard to tow. Fifth Wheels are easier to hitch up. Class C would be easy to drive. Where will we store it? Class C, 5th Wheels, Travel Trailer. Oh My! Well, I think we have finally come to a decision. We are going with the travel trailer and probably keep it around 27 ft. We will probably just use for the weekend and week long jaunts. Looking at RV’s in the summer is no fun! Should have done this shit in fall! Going in and out of all those un-airconditioned RV’s is miserable in this heat! Have you seen the inside of some of those 5th Wheelers? Huge kitchen and bar and chandeliers and shit. They are BIG! I’ll get one when I’m an old lady. Slap a big ol’ rainbow sticker on the back. Take a slave to drive the beast around and make him sleep outside in a little pup tent.
My Amazon wishlist is looking kinda butch! Generators and power jacks! I’ll probably be hooking My Lamborghini hair-dryer to that generator because I’m sure I’ll blow a fuse diffusing MY friggin hair for an hour. This is some serious business!! haha! Get to shopping bitches. We will be slapping up a lot of cheaper, smaller houseware items for the RV too. I think we will probably get it this weekend. Found a good deal in a nearby state, so will be on the road most of the weekend. We are gonna be pissing Our pants driving that thing home the first day. 22 feet of truck plus almost 30 foot of trailer. First time I’ve ever towed anything.
ludgerella. Send ME that pic with the dildo in your yap and pop 3 Viagra. We have shopping to do!
Anonymous way to send ME money! GIFT ROCKET Those of you who want to do check debit and use Amex can use this as well. NO MORE FUCKING EXCUSES!