Category Archives: findom

Can’t Keep Track of All The Cash and Prizes!!

Update : I got zippy to send a $500 Amazon gift card too!  he also bought Me this Helly Hansen jacket.

Update:  Just got a surprise $500 from an old lame flame!  I can’t remember the nickname I used to call him.  I’m gonna email him and ask. lol!  — (it was slave zippy!)

Wow! Been some time since I updated MY blog!!  I can’t really remember everything I looted since My last entry but I’ll share some of the latest.
Blue Tory Burch Eyeglasses which I TOTALLY Love.  twinkie bought them along with the prescription lense as well. So I could start wearing the the minute they arrived. Yay!  Totally make MY eyes twinkle blue, twinkie.  lol

$350 from loopy for legs who was snorting coke again.  What a Fucking FREAK!  $300 from mystery pig.  he still has never contacted Me, but the cash keeps coming!

Last night $350 Amazon GC from Auntie pigsnot!   I used that gift card to buy My niece some boots and a purple Under Armour jacket. he also bought Me these Frye boots which were totally on sale! I love the lug heel!  Auntie didn’t stop there!  The pantied Auntie also got 2 bottles of perfume Dior J’Adore L’Absolu and Sisley Soir de Lune which came to about $240.  It also bought $200 worth of Sephora gift cards!  Woohoo!!! Oh yeh and also ordered these Prada eyeglass frames sometime last week.

I’ve been on a big perfume rampage!  We decided We totally wanted to update Our perfume collection.  We wanted more sophisticated, grown up, high end perfumes.  I tossed all MY cheaper celebrity fragrances and the girly fruity, lighter stuff I wore when I was younger.  I’m ready for grown up perfumes now.   hairlip bought MY GF a $132 bottle of Chanel No 5 Eau Premier which She will wear for work.  She is totally giddy over it!   he also got Me a $120 of Thierry Mugler Alien Perfume.  LOVE it!

I’ve had slavey davey’s prezzy dispenser’s pedal to the metal for weeks!! he just can’t stop himself!  So many awesome gifts!  Jimmy Choo’s perfume, $200 restaurant gift cards, a $120 big bottle of Dior Pure Poison, $200 Etsy GC, $60 Netflix GC, he also got ME this $164 turquoise necklace that I totally love wearing.  he sent around $700 CASH this month including the Valentine’s cash I mention further down this blog.

pantystain bought Me one of My favorite Versace perfumes.  The Eau de Parfum is being discontinued I think, so I made him buy Me a big bottle.  he also got ME a bottle of Coach Perfume.  kenneth got ME this Prada Perfume gift set and this beautiful Bvlgari Rose perfume.

We were SO spoiled for Valentine’s week.  slavey davey sent $300 to help Us enjoy it and hairlip sent $400 and $200 for HRC’s Valentine’s dinner.  I got a slew of Valentine’s donations this year.  Good boys!!  mrobot sent $200, $500 from twinkie, $200 from terrance, $200 from deerslayer, $300 from pedrobot, $100 from screwy stewy, 300 from toejamjam.  Shit!  I really can’t remember all the shit I have gotten since VDay!!   I totally lose track when this much time goes by.   I have been very pleased with My stable of piggies’ performance in February.

hairlip has now paid Our Verizon phone bill three months in a row and has also dutifully been sending $10 three times a day on top of everything else!  🙂

Oh and a brand new guy from Ohio named david sent $200 cash in the mail and I expect to receive cash from him every pay day!

wankalot blocked Me again.  I guess he wants ME to fuck him extra hard next time he shows Me his pathetic bi-polar ass.  Oh and I will.  Last time he promised again to turn over a new leaf.  Well that lasted a week.  Fuck that! I will NEVER show restraint fucking his wallet again!  I will always GO for the jugular!  I will GET IT all and as FAST AS I CAN!  I will BLEED him dry and leave him rotting on the side of the road!

Oh and remember lezzy’s toy????  he’s that guy who out of the blue started sending ME envelopes full of delicious hundred dollar bills?!!  I think he sent around $25,000 or something in just a short time.  It was GLORIOUS!  Well, he poofed too!  lezzystoys!  Get those envelopes coming again.  you are TOTALLY slacking in your responsibilities to the LESBIAN NATION!!

Capris for HRC size S in Navy
Metro Slouch size Tall L in Black

HRC wants a vanilla based perfume.  Get Alien Essence Absolu for Her

For HRC Pants size Regular Short size 4 in Chrome  hairlip
 Fleece Jacket size TALL L in Kiwi hairlip

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Open your hearts and wallets to PRINCESS

I had an awesome week!  sir wankalot sent $2,000 the other night!  I was so pleased!  he is getting more regular and his “hiding” is getting shorter and shorter.  Soon he will stop hiding because his servitude will become “the norm”.    Serving Me IS NORMAL.  Resisting Me is ABNORMAL.  Open your heart, mind and wallet to Princess and NEVER look back!

sharon the binger/purger female slave popped up and spent $1,100 of Her husband’s hard earned money on Me.  I made Her pack up all his favorite golf clothes and shoes and take them to a charity and I watched Her do it all on Face Time!  Good times!  After her trip to donate his manly treasures, She went home and celebrated by peeing in his mouthwash.  Always fun to play tricks on unsuspecting idiot males!  Now Sharon is back to playing a stepford wife and dreaming about being a lesbian. She sent ME another text today, swearing Me off…AGAIN! HAHA!  sharon, I can’t wait to get more of your husband’s CASH!   All the hot yoga, lattes and red wine in the world is NOT going to get ME out of your brain.  you have been trying for YEARS!  I just looked it up and you stumbled upon ME December of 2004!!  Buahahahahahahaha!

pedro has been all inspired by mrobot and his life as a living paybot.  pedro is now constantly saying “bip bip” (The Portuguese version of beep) and begging to have Me upload programming to his wee brain. hahaha!  he has sent another $400 in the last few days.

mrobot is broke until payday.  So I threw him back in his virtual cell until his next pay period.  Every now and then I send him a text saying I am peeping into his cell through the peephole.  When paybots aren’t PAYING..paybots are working and earning.  These are the ONLY functions of paybots.

slavey davey has been a great little fugpuppy!  he sent $300 cash,  $200 Etsy gift cards, $150 Prada eyeglass frames$200 restaurant gift cards are here too!  he also just bought this lovely small Frye phone wallet that Princess fan was suppose to get!  (yes Princess fan — you fucking SUCK SO HARDCORE!)  Did I miss anything from the last few days, davey?  I know your prezzy dispenser just CAN’T STOP!!

terrance also bought Me a pair of Prada eyeglass frames but I had to return them because they were too small.  I will spend the gift card on something else.

A new guy signed up for $100 weekly recurring donations.  Hopefully he will continue to pay them for a long, long time!

Princess fan (who has been a jerk) sent $350 Etsy Gift cards, but I’m not done punishing him and his puny wallet! you know what you are buying next, ya dickhole!  Procrastinating only gets your stupid ass in trouble!

mystery pig! How about more of dat mystery cash!?? I LOVE IT!!  Oh and he sent $300  some time after MY last blog.  🙂

pigsnot!  Send that money for the phones!  your LEZZY MASTERS are waiting!  Oh and pigsnot sent a $175 GC that I never blogged about.  he sends so many, it sometimes gets confusing!

lezzys’toy!  What gives?  Email Me immediately!  The FEMGOD Dynamic Duo is NOT pleased with your absence!

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WEEEEEE!! Yay for Me!

I am SO happy!  Today I received $4,000 from lezzys’toy!  $500 penalty for the 8 days he did not keep in contact with Me!    Once again he sent envelopes in the mail full of glorious green cash!  Here’s a photo of them before I opened them!   Here’s a shot of MY cash all spread out.
lezzystoy: contact ME asap before you collect more penalties for not emailing in a timely manner.  The creature needs to check in with his maker because we need to discuss it’s future. 🙂

Probably not the most enchanting photo of ME but I so LOVE getting that CASH in the mail! $ELFIE$!
See that smile on MY face, lezzystoy!?  This is your oxygen!  your lifeline!  your soul food!   MY happiness and beaming smile are the only things you need!  your life’s work is now insuring that you are making Me and My future Bride’s lives as pleasant as you possibly can!   So many long to know the meaning to life.  you have found it!

$500 from MY ever-devoted tommikins.

Oh and let’s not forget the ever elusive mystery pig!  he sent $300 again, which I quite enjoyed!  I think he might have sent another $500 that I forgot to mention on My blog. Anyway, I found out that he DEFINITELY is a twitter follower.  I tweeted the this last week.  To My delight he quickly answered by silently sending a $200 donation within minutes of MY tweet.  LOLOLOOLOL  We laughed Our asses off!

I tweeted this today.  Let’s see if he answers!

My fun never ends!

For My loyal minions and regular contributing slaves ONLY:  Since I never update My old BitchyBeauty members area, I will give passwords to those of you who want to peruse the old content.  Email Me  for a pw.

40% off Vest!  Size Tall L in Moss
For HRC size S Regular in Black
For HRC Pants size Regular Short size S in Chrome ***
Long-sleeve shirt size Tall L in Dusty Coral  ***
Flannel Top on Sale for HRC! size S in Heather Olive  ***
Clearance top!  Size Tall L in Loden and Pink  ***
Clearance Henley size Tall L in Scarlet

Cups 2
Set 4 Dinner plates (send GC so I can give Her My customizations)

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pigsnot brings in the New Year with a BANG!

I’m wearing My newest Helly Hansen coat from wankalot, scarf from hairlip and the Canada Goose hat Princess fan bought ME last winter.

pigsnot started the year with a wallet bang!!  $790 worth of Amazon Gift Cards and $100 Itunes gift cards!   Oh pigsnot!  How about a little more FUN tonight!?  WE LOVE IT!

Like I mentioned in a quick update on My last entry, mrobot coughed up $800 dollars after getting completely mindfucked by Me on the phone!

$100 from pantystain   🙂  Oh and lezzys’ toy contacted Me and I can expect more cash in the mail this week!  I think around $1,500.  Can’t wait!

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Findom Fundom!

Update: mrobot sent another $400–for a total of $800 the last 2 days. 🙂

ladystoy!  I’ve been trying to get a hold of you via email!  No reply.  you really need to consider getting text on your phone so I can send you orders in an instant and you can communicate with ME more regularly.   I think another $ penalty is in order for not getting to the library enough this week to read and reply to MY emails!

Look what came!  Another $1,000 cash from ladystoy and $400 SouthWest giftcards from pigsnot!  ladys toy has been sending his envelopes of cash!  It’s so fun going to the mailbox and finding so many little cash envelopes in there and opening them up!  Most are all new $100 bills!  Nothing like a clean new crispy!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting cash in the mail!
$400 from mrobot! he’s been put on a strict Oatmeal-Only diet until he can cough up another $400 cash.  I should have made him mix it with his piss instead of water, but I guess I was in a good mood. LOL!

The mystery pig from Oregon sent another $300 yesterday!  Continue to please Me from the shadows, little minion!  🙂

$200 Hudson jeans from a secret admirer,  slavey davey did about $200 worth of shopping and still has another $200 left for Me to use! Let’s see, he picked up some goodies from Etsy plus even more Eddie Bauer items!   pigsnot sent numerous Amazon gift cards this weekend for items for ME and My sisters.  I need to tally it up but maybe around $450 worth? I will check in with pigsnot for the total. 🙂  he sends so many it sometimes becomes a blur!  pigsnot also sent $150 worth of Sephora cards for Us.

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Serving Me makes you whole

I’m totally gaga for this new Eddie Bauer flannel from hairlip and this hand-made hawk necklace purchased by slavey davey!  There’s another picture posted of ME wearing it on My Twitter.

screwy stewy did $100 this morning.  $500 Christmas cash sent from toejamjam this afternoon!

Haven’t sent Princess Her Christmas Dinero yet?!  It’s time to un-ass some holiday cash,  bitches!!

sir wankalot crawled out of hiding and did $900 of Amazon shopping!  I’ll list the items when they get here!  I know for certain these Frye boots have shipped!

Ok boys here is a list of the things We want for Christmas:
A few more $60 Netflix gift cards.  Netflix no longer offers gift subscriptions or sells gift cards online.  you have to physically go to gas station or Best Buy or someplace and buy them.  Also if you are a favey slavey..I could just put your card in and you pay the monthly subscription.  This offer is only available to favey slaveys I trust.

Verizon gift cards.  you can buy them at Verizon stores or online.  Pay Our shared plan!
Home Depot Gift e-cards or cash!  New washer and dryer
New couch!  Cash and lots of it!

Non Christmas shopping
Lots of shit on sale!!
Flannel Lined Jeans 12Tall for Me slavey davey
Jacket in Peak Blue size Tall L slavey davey
Flannel PJ bottoms size Tall L in Bordeaux *

NorthFace Jacket in Yellow size L

Burnout Moose Tee size L in pink!

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Make My Wishes All Come True!

Love this new scarf that hairlip bought Me!

Update! $100 from louzer just came in.

mystery pig (b from Oregon)  has sent yet another $300 tribute last night!!  Keep it coming, mystery pig!!

hairlip got totally worked over by Princess and company!  With a few photos of each of Us, he was promptly put into the bone-zone…then We then pounced on him and raped his wallet — gangbang style!  The blonde bombshell scored $200 Ugg boots and another pair of Raybans.  One look at Her piercing blue eyes and he was paralyzed like a deer in headlights.  he found himself clicking buttons in a daze!   HRC bitchslapped him for a bright red Helly Hansen red stadium parka and about 3 pairs of pants!   We got $200 for a hair appointment!  Moonstone earrings for Me! Then he picked up Our dinner tab!  he shopped Eddie Bauer and even more items off Amazon! Our fun continued!  he was a 3-way wishbone!   We were so pleased with your performance this week, puppy!  Oh what a blessing!  What Joy and Bliss it is serving the most awesome Women on the planet!!

slavey davey sent $100 paypal, $100 Timberland boots and $25 Itunes gift card!  he’s going to do a little more shopping.  I will be picking out the items today. 🙂

Lots of shit on sale!!
Medina Cardigan get Tall L in Mushroom
Engage Hoodie size Tall L in Heather Gray ** slavey davey
Jacket in Peak Blue size Tall L
Cozy Sweater size Tall L in Anemone
Flannel PJ bottoms size Tall L in Bordeaux
Elysian Jeans size 12 Tall in Aged Blue **  slaveydavey
Gray Jeans size 12 regular  hairlip!
These are totally on sale! size 9 fossil slaveydavey

Hawk Totem Necklace slavey davey

Eddie Bauer for HRC
Echo Sweater in Scarlet size S hairlip!
Nordic Sweater size S in Nordic hairlip!
Twill pants Reg Short size 2 in Black hairlip!

Flannel Top size L slaveydavey

Burnout Moose Tee size L in pink!
Floral Fleece headband in Natural twinkie
Cute Legwarmers in Natural twinkie

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