Category Archives: findom

Special Shopping Requests for paypigs

Special Shopping Requests for paypigs

Somebody!  Get Me the Police Scanner off My amazon wishlist!

pigsnot! If you are reading this and trying to quit again..GIVE IT UP!  There’s more electronics on MY list!  And I know how you get a oldgeezerboner for buying electronics!  Those Bose Soundlinks are great!  She wants one too!  Get the Soundlink, the radio scanner and the car charger!  I don’t care if you have to sell your wife’s xanax on the street for cash!  I assume most of your guys’ wives are on anti-depressants being married to you freaks of nature and all!  So.start dipping in to her stash and start selling it on the streets or something! haha!

louzer sent $100.  Oh boy I’m just jumping up and down in excitement.         not.

$500 from the ukraine.   Slow day!  Step it up a notch, you dumb fucks!

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shopping slaves, moneyslave

Cheap Etsy Earrings tell her you want the “Kidney hoop”.  She will know what you mean.
Sale Cache Henley size L

WhiteHouseBlackMarket Top  toiletbursh
White House Black Market Top  toiletbrush


hairlip has been a good little shopper again!  Got more stuff from Etsy and got Me some more ghost hunting equipment not to mention TOP SECRET stuff I am making him buy Me. heehee  Yahooo!

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Mighty Aphrodite!

I want this  size L twinkie
this too!  size L

Get Me This Moonstone Ring from Etsy!
Moonstone Hoop Earrings from Etsy

See the little statue of Aphrodite surveying My bedroom? With Her shell and rose petals behind ME?  I too, am the Goddess of Beauty, Pleasure and Seduction!  Fall on your knees and WORSHIP for nobody can resist ME!  I AM VENUS!  Born to be LOVED and ADORED!  Pure Unadulterated WOMAN POWER!  6ft of CURVES and CURLS.  An Enchantress, a Siren, and Angel.  Yes Bitches.  you are FUCKED!

You are in for a treat! New Video Clip
My makeup looks kinda smeared in the video, but I think it’s the crappy lighting because as you can see by this photo still..My makeup was divine!

Here’s another teaser of the new set that’s coming. Also includes a few shots in jeans and leather jacket.


pigsnot, here’s MY friend in your boots and sweater! She loves them!  I haveta crop Her face because of Her job.


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My new skinny jeans and More moneyslave loot!

My new skinny jeans and More moneyslave loot!

Hudson Jeans have a new color!!  Get these in size 31! ***priority!***
These Hudson Jeans run way smaller for some reason.get size 32.

Hi boy-toys!  Revving up for our night out tomorrow.  I’ll be dressed from head to toe in wardrobe you all furnished Me with!  My new skinny jeans from Hudson arrived and fit like a glove.  The ONLY pair of skinny jeans I have really liked the fit in.  My SqueezeBox, Rayband aviators, a shitload of shoes and My awesome Weber Grill pigsnot bought Me showed up. The grill did take some assembly (which I of course pawned off on one of MY many admirers.)  I gave MY old one to a friend of Mine.  Actually I gave a lot of stuff when I got all new stuff in the pigsnot shop off!   My old toshiba went to the same friend I gave the grill too.  I gave another friend My old itouch, a vacuum and a computer.  pigsnot also accidentally bought ME 2 pairs of Rayband aviator sunglasses and I gave one pair to MY female friend who is a cop. So you made more superior women happy than just Me and Stevie, pigsnot! I am so good to you!

I love My new grill! Oh and that $300 floor lamp is perfect!

Princess fan..if the $1,000 payment is NOT sent tonight.your amount will be officially raised to 1,500 and NOT lowered.  Do NOT send ME one more stinking message until it’s paid.

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Sublime Financial Domination – Findomapoolza, bitches!

 Princess + Stevie + Your Cash = ONE SEXY SANDWICH!

I’m smiling just a hair TOO much in these pics!! But it’s hard not to smile ear from ear when you SCORE so much!!

Showing off our Airbooks and cash!

Yeh, bitches.  you are screwed!  pigsnot, you aren’t done shopping until those cards are MAXXXXED!   Woooo Fucking Hoo!! Christ, fleecing you is a blast!

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tom the turd has been a good little shopper boob and bought up the new suitcase and some other stuff off My wishlist! Keep going!  Max that card and DON’T look back!

Ok boys, I still need the scala headsets, photoshop for Mac and the white backdrop!

Oooh these sandals toiletbrush got Me are sooo cute!  Gonna wear them out this weekend!

Wishlist updated and moved up here!

I received one bottle of this but I need a 8ozer too!  BUY TWEEK for curly hair. ASAP!
Curl Junkie Curl Cream Stocking up on this again
Curl Custard Stocking up on this again! 8 and 16oz bottles wanted
WhiteHouseBlackMarket Top size L
Natori Nightgown size L senor doggy
Cache Dress
Cache Top XL
Another Top from Cache L in Black senor doggy
Cache Python Dress size L senor doggy
Etsy Necklace (The $150 one)

If you get this or anything from her shop,use code BRAZIL20 for 20% off.  Love this sellers stuff.
These arrived today.  Who got these earrings? Etsy Super long Earrings

Things from My amazon wishlist I need immediately!   (In order of importance). The 6pack of tampons, the 6pack of kitty litter refills, the suitcase in rose, PhotoShop for Mac, the Scala headset for motorcycles, Worship Me tanning lotion and white backdrop.

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While I PAY to exist!

Dear Diary,
I’m fucking GORGEOUS. bye now

Princess fan finally sent the $1,000 he owed Me.  he also promised his tax return while in a state of weakness.  I recommend that ALL of you weenierwackers who filed last minute, promise your tax returns to Princess!!   It’s your American duty!

I’ve been very hard to get a hold of this weekend. Spent the weekend with friends.  The weather was beautiful!  Friday we went out for dinner and drinks.  Saturday we lounged around in pjs and talked all day and finally went on a 4 mile hike and out for dinner after.  Sunday we grilled out.  While the girls are out to play.the piggies WILL PAY!


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