Category Archives: female supremacy

you can not disguise your true nature

you can not disguise your true nature

Which one of you ingrates called last night using voice modifier software?  Oh Mah god! he sounded like Optimus Prime..better yet it was like hearing one of the gould from StarGate “I’m sorry I’m such a sissyboy.” hahaha! he denied using anything but it was obvious this spanker was trying to disguise his voice.  Fucking annoying non-paying, time stealing oxygen-wasters!  However, I couldn’t resist putting him on speakerphone and letting My gf hear his stupid stunt.  WTF is wrong with you wankers!?

hamhock142 (you know who you are)  you Owe Me $400, you skeevy cocklover!  you should have NEVER recently gotten married!! Did it make you normal??? NO!!! Now instead of being MY freak–you are sneaking around being MY freak. you are wasting money that should belong to ME on the family you don’t deserve!   you are all liars, shams, fakers and undeniable perverts!  Save your wifes’ the heartache of discovering your true nature and REMAIN single.  Wearing a ring doesn’t make you NORMAL.  Now send your fucking money before I expose you for the sick-o you are!! hahaha!

loopyforlegs Don’t you fucking call again before sending ME $400.

Who wants to buy Me some more MAC makeup?  I’m tossing out MY old stuff and getting all new.  Let Me know if you want to go for a make-up shopathon.  (This offer is not available to Princessfan or anyone who has not sent cash tribute in the past.)  I also will be selling tubes of  MY old  and expired used lipstick.  I think $400 a tube is a reasonable price.  $500 if the tube has been REALLY used a lot.  They have touched My ridiculously ravishing lips–that makes them a total collector’s item.  It will almost be like kissing Me.but NOT.   Most of this lipstick is kinda old and has that old lipstick smell, but I will apply a coat on MY lips before I send the precious cargo in the mail.  Then you can apply the lipstick to your own lips and think “wow, Princess’s lips just touched this”.then swoon to the ground or suffer a heart attack or spontaneously crotch-sneeze or whatever you perverted freaks do.  Some of you might not even want to use the lipstick at all.  You can just put it under a glass dish on an altar and stare at it every day.

Makeup I want.  Ship to: Sierra Horizons 6478 Winchester Blvd #901 Canal Winchester OH 43110  Message Me to find out what I expect!  Stuff boys have purchased so far on this list.

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shopping slaves, moneyslave

Cheap Etsy Earrings tell her you want the “Kidney hoop”.  She will know what you mean.
Sale Cache Henley size L

WhiteHouseBlackMarket Top  toiletbursh
White House Black Market Top  toiletbrush


hairlip has been a good little shopper again!  Got more stuff from Etsy and got Me some more ghost hunting equipment not to mention TOP SECRET stuff I am making him buy Me. heehee  Yahooo!

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While I PAY to exist!

Dear Diary,
I’m fucking GORGEOUS. bye now

Princess fan finally sent the $1,000 he owed Me.  he also promised his tax return while in a state of weakness.  I recommend that ALL of you weenierwackers who filed last minute, promise your tax returns to Princess!!   It’s your American duty!

I’ve been very hard to get a hold of this weekend. Spent the weekend with friends.  The weather was beautiful!  Friday we went out for dinner and drinks.  Saturday we lounged around in pjs and talked all day and finally went on a 4 mile hike and out for dinner after.  Sunday we grilled out.  While the girls are out to play.the piggies WILL PAY!


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moneyslaves for lesbians

Been gone a lot these last few days. I should be around for phonecalls sunday. Tonite we’re going to go watch the last Lord of The Rings.

Check out fagarina’s elf video.

friend to lesbian sent ME $500 yesterday for Chrismas. toiletbrush sent some 12 days of Christmas arrangements and flowers.but he still owes Me another gift or two–I need to pick them out. $200 from a yahoo slut that has paid everyone. Another $300 from pornpie freak. I just found out pornpie is a friggin johova witness. HAHAHAHA

I’ve been making guys do MY christmas shopping.and will update the rest of the gifts and prizes I got when I get more time. I need to go wash MY hair for now

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