Busy Busy Busy Princess

Bloody Hell, it’s Period time! Insert your tampons in your mangynas!

Let’s see deadman dan did $400, terrance did $500, fagarina did $200 and bought Me another printer/scanner. Well back to the gym for ME this week. My neck is still really stiff and sore but I’m not getting that sharp crazy pain like I did the first week. I missed like A THOUSAND friggin calls this weekend. 🙁 I see all you morons on MY caller I.D. My voicemail is full as usual. I can’t empty it fast enough for you freaks to fill it up with your mewling messages. I’m going to be home monday, wednesday and thursday night and for sure this week. Call Me after 6 p.m. on these days. Also I might be home saturday night.

Let’s see ..spent the day doing a whole lot of nothing. Enjoyed a few hours in the sun and pool. Had a few beers and a steak, then geeked out watching the Harry Potter-athon and updating MY amazon wishlist. K I’m going to totally redecorating several rooms of MY house. There’s going to be a lot of new shit on MY list and I will be expecting it ASAP!

Oooh just noticed. The first ep of the new season of Dr Who tivo’d. Gonna go watch it!

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4 thoughts on “Busy Busy Busy Princess

  1. avatarliljoe5001

    I don’t even want to speculate on how many times I showed up on your caller id, Princess. Sad, Sad, Sad


  2. avataranonymous

    I love that little photo of You Princess. That face is very very beautiful. It looks young, serious and perfect (young and perfect as You are). It is hard as a rock. And without compassion. In a way it is inhuman – like perfection. That expression could belong to an heroine of a western. Your lips, teeth, chin, cheekbones,and the curl that touchs the angle of Your right eye are so beautiful that i feel less that a worm in front of You and i want to hurt myself.


  3. avataranonymous

    Princess it is not right that a women of your high statue should have to go tru PMS you should be excluded from that. 🙂


  4. avataranonymous

    I really thought it was so sexy how you restored order on your extreme humiliation group. You set everyone straight and I love your confidence and power.



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