john faucett you have become public enemy #1! Sure you sent $400, but you promised $200 more. The card isn’t working now.but it will work .and I will take what you owe Me. you PISSED ME off..now you suffer the consequences. Fuck you!! you are SUCH a vile wanker!! PROMISES do not become null and void the minute your puny penis spits up! I have your telly #. I will have every fag calling you during work hours! I HATE you LONG time, asshole! you will send ME another $200 or it’s a full on war! NOTHING infuriates ME more than guys who “change their mind” after their deformed pricks puke! **note this john faucett is from the UK
If you want to sign up to help phone harass johnny jizzpants during the week..drop ME an email! Get involved in punishing this asshole!
NOTE TO PIGSNOT! I see the TV was returned to not purchased..did you manage to cancel it and reorder the correct one??? Lemme know and I will update accordingly!
Dear Princess,
i was able to cancel the first TV, but i have not purchased a replacement.
pig snor
Princess Reply:
September 24th, 2011 at 12:14 pm
well get to it!!! I have it on MY wishlist now!! I can’t wait to get it. Stevie’s new TV is da bomb diggity! Hurry the fuck up!!
Drar Princess,
i’m sorry to say that i’m maxed out and my card has been shut down
Beacuse Amazon does not bill until they ship, i may have the same problem that i had last time with some items being returned to your wish lists. i hope that i can avoid this, but i cannot gurantee it.
i will repurchase any items that may reappear and also your TV, but it will have to wait until next week.
i may have accidently cancelled 1 piece of software, of course it will be repurcahsed.
i cancelled one tv monitor, because i ordered a total of 3 by mistake. 2 are still on the same order.
on the bright side, i was able to get the $1400 into the mail. It should be picked up at the mailbox today at 5pm. so you should also see it next week. It is in a plain envelope without any correspondence.
pig snot
Princess Reply:
September 24th, 2011 at 4:32 pm
poooop! I wanted that TV asap! Well, I won’t have too big a hissy because I did put the wrong TV on…but that’s because they kept switching it from amazon store to other affiliate stores. >:( BIG FUCKING GROUCHY FACE
Yay $1400 coming in the mail for us to SPLIT and buy our IPAD 2’s! Get MY TV purchased the second your credit card is working again.
Pigsnot should know that there are many of us spunking into our own faces at the thought of his magnificent subservience while john faucett is lucky if anyone pisses on him.
Princess Sierra makes me squirtin for a hurtin and hurtin for a squirtin
Dear Princess, Amazon will not allowme to purchase the ipod or the iphone. Sorry,
pig snot
Princess Reply:
September 28th, 2011 at 5:56 am
will it let you tomorrow??? I want the ipod, iphone and nano! I’ll be adding stuff…get the stuff that didn’t make it through the last time FIRST.