UPDATE: terrance just spent $500 for a new Sony Camcorder for a girlfriend’s bday present. It was originally around $1000, but we got a great price on it on ebay. Way cool! She will be soo happy with it–She’s always bitching about not being able to afford a new camcorder.
Called beerboy when I woke up this afternoon to rub in MY victory. he sounded so depressed and bummed. 🙂 It was music to MY ears.
A few nights ago this total anonymous guy came up and said he had spent $1000 on My amazon wishlist and bought that Robo-Mower I had on My wishlist and really wanted. Well, I really don’t trust total strangers who make giant amazon purchases instead of just making a donations. Donations can’t be canceled–amazon wishlist items can. Anyway, I told him to run along until I safely received the stuff in the mail and wouldn’t talk with him. he said thank you and disappeared and never sent the delivery notice. Sure enough, he canceled the order because all the items reappeared on MY wishlist. Thank god I didn’t waste one minute of time on him. ANYWAY, guess what, fucker? I turned around and sent “the turd” orders to buy My $800 Robo-Mower and of course he got it. So FUCK you, you phoney bitch. you CAN’T SCAM ME–because I have been doing this long enough to know ALL the scams. So anyway, yeah! I got My little robotic lawn-mower and you got jack shit. BTW I’m very pleased with “the turd’s” quick response to MY demands.
Oh I did get your $300 in the mail, easy. Friday mark the pornpie freak dressed up as smurfette. I wish he had used body latex instead, this body paint didn’t make him blue enough. I want some more smurfs! Maybe a faggy smurf, analprobe smurf or fatty smurf!
Saturday was a busy day. Had My little yardboy take out 2 older bushes that are looking a bit raggedy and plant 2 new ones. Went shopping with some friends but couldn’t find anything to blow My money on. After that, I went to dinner and hand a few beers with friends and just got back around 2 a.m.
Woohoo just got $1200 off beerboy!!! Right when I think he’s tapped he pulls a bit more out of his ass. Thing is, he just mailed his bills and I hope they all go BOUNCEY, BOUNCEY, BOUNCEY, BOUNCEY, FUN FUN FUN FUN! Oh Mah Gawd..he is soooo screwed up now. he used to be a mild freak, but I have trained him to crave this shit on a daily basis. he just can’t get abused enough. Also made him order a blowup cow to screw on cam for more material to hold over his balding head.
toiletbrush just ordered $200 in tbones steaks at Omaha. Yum!