Pay for My Curls!

Pay for My Curls!

Who’s gonna pick up the bill?  I haven’t gone to a hair dresser for quite a long time, but I went in to get some layers cut in MY hair as well as get it colored.  I am very happy with it!  She has hair just like mine and does great with she left my length!  Yay!   $200 will cover it plus the tip and styling gel.  Email Me to be MY curl slave!

Date: Jun-24-2013
Time: 08:22 PM
Qty    Service/Product    Price
1    Color, cut and Blow dry    $130.00
1    Cojoba Styling Gel    $32.00
Tax    $2.16
Discount    $0.00
Tip    $0.00
Total Amount Due    $164.16
Cash Amount    $164.16
Amount Paid    $164.16

Mrobot paid $200 and owes more in a few days.  I uploaded robota-auto-cock-slut-program to his hard-drive yesterday.  It should be running in the background of his head giving him homosexual urges.  Soon mrobot will encounter  within himself, a new avatar!  Robota-V-2 automated, automatic, SUCK-a-Tron  and BUTT-BOT!  Be afraid.  Be very afraid, mrobot. hahahaha!

$200 from the worthless italian slave.


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