Be My Frankenstein!

Be My Frankenstein!

I am up at a hellish hour! I had to wake up at 7:30 a.m. because the counter guys are here working. One just bashed his head into a big skillet hanging from My pot hanger which usually hangs over the butcher block.. that made the morning brighter. I got another $1,500 out of uncle pigfucker early this morning! This brings his total for the last few days to $3,500!!! Wooooofuckin’ doggy!

uncle pigfucker..I want a FULL taped confession!!

Here’s a few shots of My Medusa costume.

grandpa freakpie, I sent you a ziplock bag of used snot rags and tissues and a used q-tip. What a treasure trove you have been blessed with! Keep an eye out for it in mail.

Here’s My counters and new sink. Still need to have the plumbing and new faucet installed.

I’ll get a shot of the kitchen after all the remodeling is complete. 🙂
My new range is arriving Nov 5th. Carpet for den and living room Nov 1st, and replacement tv hutch nov 6th. I’m gonna jot this shit here, so I can keep track of it. I’ve got too much shit to remember lately.

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11 thoughts on “Be My Frankenstein!

  1. avataranonymous

    it scares the wits out of me how BEAUTIFUL You are! . . . No wonder there is so much jealousy and lies over You, Princess Sierra!


  2. avataranonymous

    i predicted that Princess. You as Medusa. It is perfect (and as Helen of Troy also, but perhaps for another occasion). On account of Your hair (it seems to me alive, like Your lips or Your eyelids), Your beautiful beutiful – and hypnotizing – eyes, and Your dominant expression, typical of a superior Woman. And on account of the stories that i can read hear, about people smashed by You. You are perfect. i can understand that they ask You for Your tissues.


  3. avatargrandpafreakpie

    what a trip it would be to open the door on halloween night and see PRINCESS as Medusa standing there with all those snakes squirming all around HER ultimate of beautiful faces and bodies! whooeeeeee! nothin’ before or since would ever equal that. wish i could be included on YOUR trick or treat itinerary, Medusa, ‘er PRINCESS, GOD of all things beautiful… grandpafreakpie


  4. avataranonymous

    OMG this is incredible. You are so amazing, so beautiful, so powerful, so gorgeous, so perfect, so sexy, so dominant – i think there is no word to describe Your supreme beauty. It might sound stupid, but i think there is only one way to express it and that is just saying and recognizing: You are Princess Sierra !
    Princess Sierra – these two words, Your name and Your perfection, should be listed in any dictionary to describe supreme perfection, a beauty that can’t be expressed in other words,…
    Thanks for sharing these precious pics with us, and thanks for exploiting us without scruple – because to YOU belongs might, power, money, luxury, submission, obedience, our credit cards and the money of our wives – and even much more than that.


  5. avataranonymous

    Glorious Princess Sierra, i forgot to say that i love very much the very nice shape of Your boobs. i don’t know how to speak about them or how to describe it, but Cleopatra would had died with envy when she would had ever seen YOU !


  6. avataranonymous

    Seeing tremendously beautiful pictures like these i get immediately an erection. i feel very uncomfortable about it, because i know that Princess has no interest at all in our dick and disgusts them. Princess, what do i have to do about it?


  7. avataranonymous

    You look awesome, Princess. Even your costume ideas are dominant. I know who uncle pigfucker is! It’s good to know that he still has not escaped your clutches. We are all so addicted to your greatness.


  8. avataranonymous

    i’m staying up all night looking at Yout Medusa pic…i sooo wish i could have a girlfriend like You or Stevie!!!!!


  9. avatardavid1962dayton

    i am so envious of all Your Halloween costumes, Princess. But i am following Your orders now and getting ready to wear my Heido Ho costume in broad daylight to the Mall and to the college so i can get home in time to pass out candy. And i’ve posted it on my yahoo 360, livejournal, and myspace so you won’t post anything bad on my ‘normal’ ones which would be even worse than me chickening out of doing this.


  10. avatarbitchybeauty

    Where’s the videos?? Send them to ME! I had to disappear last night. Forgot how late it was getting and had to pack up stuff cuz the carpet guys were coming the next morning. I think I am going to send you out for the sandwich wearing that NEXT week.


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