Yuck. The trip back was so annoying. My first flight was canceled, almost missed the second flight, My connection had a long wait then a very last minute gate change to a far-off terminal, had to sit in the airport runway forever, then the plane circled around the airport over 30 minutes. FUCK I hate traveling at Christmas time UNLESS it’s to someplace tropical! Traveling to one cold place to another cold place SUCKS ASS! Anyway, I’m back and found some goodies sitting in MY email box. $1,000 donation from simon! you owe Me much much more than that, simon! I also got $500 from SierraIsGod! Woot woot! New slave wolfie sent $300. frenchforuse bought ME a pair of sexy Mistress thigh high boots for a photo shoot. A few other items disappeared from MY amazon wishlist too.
I failed miserably at getting mom drunk on Christmas eve. Two mike’s lemonade and She was ready for bed. Oh well..
Just sent tittyboy to go shop for a few things with his t-shirt on that says I HEART MY BIG TATAS. he’s not allowed to wear a coat. heehee. I’m waiting for his report.
It was quite an amazing feeling, overwhelming, reading her journal, and the posts of her submissives, the control she has over them. I knew i had to be part of her world. I have a feeling this might be an addiction that could prove deadly for me. You’re gorgeous Princess Sierra… shawn aka wolfie
i just got back from Meijer’s and posted about it in my livejournal, Princess. i am glad You are back home safe and seductive as ever!
Princess I am so sorry you had some trouble with your flight. I am also sorry you where not able to get mom drunk.But I am happy bout the photo shoot.Ha Ha Ahh hoo I am ko ko for coco puffs”’;-)
I Love you Princess..
Princess, i’m sooo happy that You’re back. i hope that You had a great christmas. i’m sorry that You got held up at the airport as that can be a real pain. Whenever it happens to me i just go window shopping at the awesome lingerie shops.
i can understand – granting that i am not part of them – people who put their life under the control of Princess Sierra. It is not only a sexual thing. I suposse it is like making truth a primordial dream, like being honest with oneself, or going to the more profound and honest levels of the submale condition and say, with great lucidity and knowledge of oneself: “i can die tomorrow and that would be terrible, but at least i made something.i fulfilled the most important dream of my life. But i can’t understand people making the same with other domme. i don’t believe they could. In the second case i asume it should be more like buying a suit or paying to the guy who repairs your computer. But if it could be possible, for me this second possibility would be wasting their live for nothing. And i don’t believe that other Sierra would be possible; at least in our lifetime.
Cold Blooded Snake: Princess Sierra has a dance, Princess Sierra has style, Princess Sierra will sneak up on you everytime and give you her smile with her tongue coming out, Princess Sierra is a cold-blooded killer but we submissives dont care because we’re to busy looking. Beautiful yet so Deadly.
i love Your old banners.
I’ll be your undoing. Princess Sierra fucks you up from the inside out! Give in to your addictions…Until it hurts! Cruel, narcissistic, selfish…Perfect! Experience “brain bruiseâ€â€¦ These scars may last forever, but shhh…only you and I can see them. Just when i thought i was out …She pulls me back in.
I am not in publicity, but I thought two more:
She won’t ruin your life, and perhaps your future, only for money; also for fun.
The other:
you love Her
Well, She is adorable
But how much you love Her?
you love Her more than your income and properties
you love Her more than your family
you love Her more than your self-respect
More love, more loss, more perfect
Between the bottom and the Nirvana: where are you?
(This banner should show on the right side a thermometer).
I talked with Princess for quite awhile tonight, it was hours ago, and i’am still going out of my head, she’s amazing, i love her. I made her aware of my addiction to painkillers and she commanded that i up the dosage, i wasn’t offline for 2 minutes and i took three more, i’am in such a confused state of mind. She’s a Blackwidow Spider, and the scariest thing about it is i need her. shawn
Princess, i’m here on new years eve..only 4 hours to 2009 in australia and i’m home alone with only my bottle of scotch for company….no invites to any partuies this year..probably cause i’m pulling myself away from family and friends. i’m fuckin lonely as hell and crave Your voice Princess!! i’m on cam in my sissywear and i don’t care anymore….i need You in my life Princess!!