Ay caramba!

Here’s some of the donations I have gotten. $300 from a j.w., $100 from beerboy joe, $75 from a guy on yahoo–first time he’s paid–watched him on webcam for a few..bored ME silly, $200 from slutty suzy, $25 from cheapo billystink (I forgot to mention it–imagine that), $250 from sharon. Oh then I got $300 from this atmslave guy who claims to have just lost his testicles and prostate 6 weeks ago because of prostrate cancer. I have no idea if he’s telling the truth. he was very polite and entertaining and he seemed so genuine when telling his story–but spankers tell total lies all the time. I don’t believe it until I SEE IT with My own eyes! Anyway, he said he would buy a webcam and show ME. I’ll still think its part of some elaborate wanky fantasy, but if he DOES have no balls I will be totally tickled pink! I’ve never had a guy without nads in MY collection. Only time will tell.

Argh I’m so pissed. The paint place is taking SOO long! I called friday and they still aren’t done. They were gone for a week or 2 at some bikeshow. It’s been 5 damned weeks and I’m so anxious to get it back. Grrrr!

I still haven’t sent MY new pics fullsized to anyone but fagarina and sharon. I think I’ll send one or two shots out to a few boys and go fishing for suckers!
(pics removed so this page will load faster.)
Tinky little teasers for you addicted old geezers!
Im wearing the jacket and skirt toiletbrush sent Me. I’m really pissed at him now and am ignoring him til I get what I want! Those are those shoes that were like originally $700 that vintage furfreak found on sale. They are awesome looking but I could hardly walk to the camera to push the timer button in those mother fuckahs!

I wish MY board matched the rest of MY site colors better. I don’t think I can bear going in and changing templates and having to fix everything I did to it though. I’ve been preoccupied with other projects this week. Man oh man, I’ve been busy.

I’ll go through MY receipts and post what you guys have gotten. I expect to have more to brag about in a few days after you dweebs see MY shots. I think I’ll be adding the rest of the leather gallery tonite if I get time.

My tummy is still bloated and I feel icky from auntie flo.but I’m not near as grouchy.
Does that disappoint you?

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3 thoughts on “Ay caramba!

  1. avataranonymous

    see now YOU look awesome in those cute crop jackets and hankie shirts…..i wish someone would get a memo out to the stumpy girls that you really neeeeeed an elegant slender torso and looooooooonnnnngg legs to pull those off…and those shoes do look amazing yet torturous. i’m already 5’9″ so i rarely attempt the superhighs Myself.

    ~the Female fan


  2. avataranonymous

    Damn it! How does Your body manage to get hotter and more mind blowing ALL THE TIME! It just isn’t fair. Every damn month You get more stunning. You are just TOO much… TOO MUCH! (And don’t we all know that next month You’ll be even more awesome?)


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