Author Archives: tittyboy


About tittyboy

Princess has taken away my entire tax return again as well as all of my heterosexuality and is gradually taking away my manhood in retun for a set of real titties, which are the only things i'll get to keep forever.

Going 50/50

Merry XXXmas!!!
i’ve spent lastnight and today reorganizing my bedroom to be 50% male space and 50% female space. And although i’ve been “nice” in Santa Princess’s book all year concerning keeping up with my titty pills and keeping my eyebrows plucked and my body hair either lasered or epilated, i’ve been “naughty” concerning my weight. So as i was walking around in panties and high heels on webcam using my last remaining “normal” profile (set so only She could see me), Princess had me gather up all my male pants along with a pair of scissors. i have 4 pairs of male pants that fit me now and 1 pair of female jeans that fit me. She almost made me cut up the 4 pairs of male pants to leave me only able to wear my one pair of “Diva” jeans from Old Navy until i lose enough weight to fit back into my smaller male jeans again! But at the last second, She gave me a XXXmas Eve reprieve. Thank you so much, Santa Princess! Merry XXXmas!

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Post-Castration Erections?

 Here’s an interesting article on possible castration effects:

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Castration Anxiety
Can a sex offender still have sex after surgery?
By Michelle Tsai
Posted Thursday, Dec. 6, 2007, at 6:53 PM ET

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is under the spotlight this week for helping grant parole to Wayne Dumond, a convicted rapist who had been castrated more than a decade earlier in what he claimed was a violent attack.* After Dumond was released from prison in 1999, he went on to rape and murder at least one woman, and maybe two. How can someone who’s been castrated still commit rape?

He can still have an erection. In general, castrated men experience a much-diminished sex drive, because their bodies have very low levels of the male hormone testosterone. This lowers the frequency, strength, and duration of erections, and can cause hot flashes, vertigo, loss of body hair, and breast growth. But depending on the individual, it may be possible for him to become aroused and even to ejaculate, although his erection may be modest and there won’t be any sperm in his semen. Even if a castrated man can’t maintain an erection, he can temporarily reverse the effect by taking testosterone. Also, rapists aren’t necessarily driven by sexual desire; a lower sex drive won’t prevent attacks that are motivated by a desire for power.

Surgical castration, also called orchiectomy, involves the physical removal of the testicles, which produce 95 percent of a man’s testosterone. However, the small amount still produced by the adrenal glands could be enough to allow some sexual function to remain. According to one study from the 1960s of about 1,000 German sex offenders who had been castrated, 65 percent men immediately felt their libido plummet, but 18 percent were able to have sex 20 years later. Based on the small amount of data that exist on this subject, it appears between zero and 10 percent of sexual offenders who are surgically castrated repeat their crime.

Since the 1960s, psychiatrists in the United States have used drugs to treat sex offenders, and today, chemical castration is slightly more common than surgery. Depo-Provera, a synthetic form of the female hormone progesterone, doesn’t prevent the testicles from producing testosterone, but it does counteract the effect of the male hormone in the blood. Drugs like Lupron or Zoladex achieve similar results by tricking the pituitary gland into producing less of the hormone that controls testosterone production in the testicles. The drugs can’t negate the sex drive completely, though. When these and other similar drugs are prescribed to retard the growth of tumors in male patients, about 10 percent can still have sex.

Got a question about today’s news? Ask the Explainer.

Explainer thanks Gordon Cappelletty of North Carolina’s Catawba County Department of Social Services, Mario Dennis of the Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation, Park Dietz of Park Dietz & Associates, and Patrick Walsh of Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.

Correction, Dec. 11, 2007:The original story said Wayne Dumond was castrated in a violent attack. That was Dumond’s claim, but the police were never able to determine exactly what happened. (Return to the corrected sentence.)
Michelle Tsai is a writer living in Jersey City, N.J.

Article URL:

Copyright 2007 Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC

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Just Kidding

i still have an account active on (as david1962dayton) where i actually met a couple women a few years ago, but now i have a more honest profile that will ensure that i wont be able to find any more women to date me from there. They wouldn’t let me post any of my full drag pics, but there are 2 pics on there of my face with makeup but no wig. So i don’t know why i fell for it when a real woman wrote me the following email message on there:
“Would you be interested in a 4some? Loucinda and Loucille would love to spank your bottom.”

But since i don’t have a paid account, i cant reply to emails. i could only send her a generic notice to “show interest” which i did last Friday when i got her email. So today she finally wrote back and said:
“By the way, I was kidding with the other email. Im sorry but you are definitely not my type at all!”

Update 12/11/07 i got another email today where she wrote:
“By the way. Who does your makeup? What shade of lipstick do you use?”

But it would cost me $29.95 to get a full membership so i could write back to her.

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Attempt at O-H-I-O Cheer in Walmart Wearing OSU Cheerleader Uniform

photo lost:(   slave journal below:
The Walmart cashier was kind enough to take this pic for me to show that i bought the sports tampons while wearing my OSU cheerleading uniform as ordered by Sgt. Stevie. Unfortunately, she also started ringing up the groceries of the man behind me too! So then i had to wait there even longer as she fixed my order and removed his items. Then she didn’t have enough pennies for my change and had to call for another Walmart worker to bring her more pennies! But the man behind me happened to have enough pennies to give her five for a nickel, which was very sweet of him.

Due to my hectic schedule, this was the only time i would be able to go make a video in my Ohio State cheerleader uniform by this weekend as ordered by Sgt. Stevie. But there were a few things about going so late this night that made it as bad as going in the middle of the afternoon on a typical day. One thing is the fact that Walmart is one of only a couple places still open after 3 a.m.; another thing is that the bars have just closed so this is the only place any drunk might still be able to go besides home; and the parking lot was still half full since it was actually early Thanksgiving morning and last-minute shoppers were still out! Plus the store is full of stockboys and third-shift ladies who weren’t too busy to follow me around the store and get their friends to look at me too!

So i parked in front of the set of doors that didn’t look as crowded. that was a mistake because those doors were locked and i ended up walking all the way across the parking lot in front of a group of smokers (male and female) who were standing out there obviously noticing and talking about my outfit which was very noticeable even from a distance and then staring even harder as i got close and had to walk right past them to go inside.

Once inside, i hunted for an abandoned shopping cart to put my purse and video camera in, but i noticed a few different people following me around the store–mostly the men, but one woman as well. i went to the sporting goods section to hunt for pom pons and didn’t find any. So i went ahead and did a little O-H-I-O cheer making the shape of each letter with my body as you can see in the youtube video.

Then i went and got sports tampons as i was instructed to get by Sgt. Stevie and since there was a woman with a child in line in front of me, i wanted to spare scaring the kid and strolled around the women’s clothing section. After the line was gone, i went to the cashier and asked her to take a pic for me so i could prove i bought them while still dressed that way. But the line wasn’t empty for even 30 seconds and a tall man got in line right behind me. You can see that in the pic above. then after the delays already mentioned, i headed to the door and a lady working there wished me a happy Thanksgiving!

As i was walking toward my car, i noticed a car parked beside and a little behind mine with a guy sitting inside it! That car was in a different location when i went in, so i am thinking he must have been one of the guys who saw me go in. i didn’t know if he was going to proposition me or just watch me or try to follow me! But he didn’t proposition me or follow me, so i guess he just wanted to watch. The only thing that worries me is that he surely had time to get my license plates and will certainly know my car if he ever sees it again.

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Seeking Partner for my Public Humiliation

When i went to the mall in costume last time, i thought i was going to be meeting a guy to take some video for me. But he either didn’t show up or he was the person just staring and hovering from a distance. It is virtually impossible for me to be able to get video of myself in embarrassing situations while simultaneously getting video of random people’s reactions. So Princess Sierra told me to post an invitation for someone, sissy or otherwise, to go along with me on future assignments to public locations when i will be dresed up–my partner does not need to be–it’s just that i need all the practice taking long walks in high-heels that i can get.

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Halloween Trip to Mall and College!!

Today is going to be an all-day Halloween nightmare for me. Princess Sierra demands that i get completely dressed up in a Heidi Ho costume during broad daylight and then go to a mall [Dayton Mall–in case you’re there this afternoon] to get a video clip trying on a new wig there. Then i have to drive all the way to a nearby college town [Oxford, Ohio’s Miami University–in case you’re there this afternoon] and get pics or video proof that i walked around there in full drag too. Then i have to get back home in time to pass out candy, which means all my neighbors will have several opportunities to see me dressed this way.

 <object width=”425″ height=”355″><param name=”movie” value=””></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”355″></embed></object>

<object width=”425″ height=”355″><param name=”movie” value=””></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”355″></embed></object>

These first 3 videos linked below are are hard to watch because i was walking in heels with my cell phone recording, but these were just for proof that i was doing it out in broad daylight. First walking down steps in front of my house to get into my car; then the next one is in the mall parking lot–there’s a flash of the security vehicle in front of the mall; then the 3rd one is walking to the mall entry–i was hoping you could see my reflection in the glass.

These next two are clearer and are from inside the mall where the saleslady was putting the new wig on my head and then when she was braiding it for me. She was asking me questions about crossdressers and how she couldn’t understand why a man would want to do that and even told me no woman would ever want to stay married to a man who does that, which i had to confirm by admitting i’ve been divorced twice. But she stopped talking when i started recording the clips and i tried to keep her face out of them since i am the only one who’s supposed to be humiliated.

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