Author Archives: SierrasStevie

Day in the life…

Well, as PRINCESS said, we had to cancel spinning 🙁 because of the continuous crazy-ass weather…snow, snow, sleet, rain, ice, snow….BLAH, BLAH, BLAH…DONE DONE DONE. Sooooo ready for spring to break. SInce it is definitely inside weather, I’ve been cookin up a storm lately….fuck Martha Stewart…they shoud make a food show called Sweet Stevie’s Cookin..hey FATTY?..remember that submersion blender you got me aaaaaaages ago??…it makes the best damn soup!!! Money well spent on Boss Lady..keep it up, bub.In the meantime, we are BUSTIN our asses workin out like mad-women…WE ARE MACHINES!!!!!!!! Ohhhhhh Emmmmmm Geeeee……….I recently got a set of Kettle Bells and – h-o-l-y s-h-i-t…… wonder Russians are in such fab physical shape (well, okay, other than the vodka fans). Those fuckers kicked my boooootay. Barely walkin today…ready to teach tomorrow…..buuuuut, with a helluva ketch in my get-along, that is!!! I’m walkin like I have a corn cob up my arrrrsss…….all in the name of health and beauty, right???CHECK IT OUT………… shoes on my WishList – and they WILL BE MINE…………btw, the lucky suck-ass that buys them will get a personal photo of Stevie sportin the new shhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoookin shoes.Whatcha waitin for, brownstars?……..picture it…….a private photo shoot with the shoes bought with your COLD HARD CASH, lil MINION!! Man, that sounds so sweet to moi. Hahahahahhahahaha

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