Author Archives: Princess


About Princess

Princess Sierra Financial Domination, Findom, Female Supremacy.

sissy tommikins reigns piggy supreme!

sissy tommikins reigns piggy supreme!

Omg!  sissy tommikins sent another $500 today and he hasn’t even gotten the box of goodies yet!  I sent the package today.  Can you imagine what state he will be when he has those goodies in his possession?  he will have absolutely NO SELF CONTROL! hahahahahaha!!

I’ll be wearing pantystain’s dress all day tomorrow and sending that one out in the mail shortly.

To the guy who wanted to know Our guesstimation of how many dicks tommikins sucked: We really don’t know..we’re thinking somewhere around 150-200..maybe more.  I plan to making him keep exact logs from now on so there will be no guessing.

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Shopping slaves and pay piggies do your duty!

Shopping slaves and pay piggies do your duty!

hahaha! sissy tommikins had an awesome month!!  $3,700!  Still, after spending that much he texted ME to confess he was jealous that pantystain beat him to buying LadyCop’s gun holster.  hahaha!  I wonder what will happen to his poor little brain once he gets his box of precious sniffables!?!

pantystain bought HRC a shoulder holster for Her Glock 19.  What a nice surprise to wake up to!

Another “old flame of shame” has been shopping on MY amazon gift list.  I received 2  $50 boxes of kitty litter refills from him.  Yes, you haven’t shopped for a LONG time, tom.  Go hit MY wishlist again..I know you miss it terribly!

GIFTS GIFTS GIFTS! Shop My little piggy followers!
Framed art!  Push BUY IT FRAMED.  I have it framed how I want. Yay hurray! screwy stewy bought this!!

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fagarina cash

Got your envelope of cash, fagarina!  How I love to get $100 bills in the mail. 🙂  Received 2 tops today in the mail from twinkie.  I wonder what UPS will bring today?!

tommikins be sure to add the dick you sucked Sunday on your dick-log!

Who wants to buy Lady Cop a new firearm holster? Scroll down and get GLOCK 19  – Right in Black pantystain

WHBM Black Dress size L

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sissy tommikins won the auction!

Update: pantystain sent $400 for his special worn item

Update:  sissy tommikins is losing his mind!  he just sent another $400.  $1,400 today! This guy has spent so much on Me the last few months!   Imagine what’s going to happen when he gets his nose up to the armpits of MY dress..smells MY flesh and perfume!!  CHA-CHING!!

Princess didn’t have to wait very long!

sissy tommikins paid $1,000 for the dress.  he was so excited about having the dress that I decided to end the auction.  Seriously, he was weeping with joy on the phone and proclaiming it was the happiest day of his life!   hahahaha!

I have also decided to offer pantystain an item because he wrote such an eloquent email with his offer.  I will be shipping him something else and he will send $400 for the item plus he sent $100 towards our phone bill.  toiletbrush might receive the dress in the photo above if he coughs up $1,000 like tommikins did.  Otherwise, I won’t part with this dress because I kinda like it.

pantystain’s email
Dear Goddess Princess Sierra!
Princess, I sent my regular contribution to YO and YOUR GF’s Verizon bill tonight. Thanks again for allowing me the honor of contributing, Maam.

Also, please allow me to respectfully offer $400 for YOUR sacred worn dress. If i may, please allow me to try to exceed any offer that comes in higher than this. This is a rare opportunity to own a garment that has been in contact with the world’s most perfect aura of a living Goddess. i should use it in meditation to YOUR greatness and not defile it by placing it on my unworthy male body where it would pollute YOUR aura with my inferior male auric emanations. (If I even have any 🙂 )

Thank You for even taking time to read this, PRINCESS!

you should all learn something from these obedient and polite slaves!


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Buy a bit of MY DNA

Here’s a photo of Me wearing the dress I am auctioning off.  Like I mentioned in earlier posts,  it was a gift from an annoying frenchy.  It’s a terrible dress.  Wanted to return it but he lost the order #.  Pictures are small because this dress is so thin you can see MY belly button, the shape of MY sacred mound and every panty and bra line.  It is immensely unflattering.  It’s $109 dress but it’s like made out of cheap tshirt material.  HATE IT!  How much are you willing to pay to possess this article of clothing that I have worn?  I have taken off the jewelry and will be lounging around in this monstrosity all day.  It already has a deodorant mark!  (please don’t swoon!)  This is like receiving the shroud of Christ, My little minions!

Here’s another tiny one.

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