Author Archives: Princess


About Princess

Princess Sierra Financial Domination, Findom, Female Supremacy.

Pampered Princess Plays pay pigs!

Pampered Princess Plays pay pigs!

Yesterday was such a super day with all My donations!

Omg I just got off the most painfully boring phone call of My life!  I think this Canadian must be autistic or something.  I got $300 out of him but he talked like he was brain damaged.  he just sorta mumbled and said a lot of nothing. I made him turn his cam on so I had something to amuse Myself — just some loser-ish looking mouth-breathing 20-something year old staring  in to his cam.   I asked if he had any more money, he said I hung up.

screwy stewy hit MY wishlist today.  $400 worth of Amazon goodies!  February has been the bomb!  Make March marvelous too!  Money money money!  fatmac shelled out the cash for My gel polish manicure.

I got some new sheets to match My new bedspread and I guess I hadn’t checked the thread count on them.  I was like Princess and the Pea —  I absolutely was up all night because the sheets were too rough and bothered Me.  I guess I will be giving them to Good Will or maybe I will auction them off before washing them or something.

Hudson Jeans size 31

-Stuff from Etsy I want!
Another awesome Etsy Ring
Mermaid Box pantystain
Magic Knick-knack

Oh and don’t forget!  I still want this piece for My living room!   Get it! For some reason it calls to Me!! Or you can Paypal Me $330 so I can ship it straight to My home.  Contact ME for the size, frame and matting I want.  I need it pretty large sized.

Buy Me HomeDepot E-gift cards!

MORE ETSY GIFT CARDS!  I am so addicted to Etsy! Art, decor, jewelry, oils!

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So sissy jason called and sent $300.I logged in to check on it and I see $1700 sitting in MY account from simple simon!!  yay!! Me and My gf are doing the Happy Dance!  he didn’t even drop Me an email to let Me know he sent Me such a nice sized sum!  Are you reading this simon!?  Keep going! Keep going!  Email ME and I will send you another payment page! wooooooohoooooo!

I also notice $75 from some guy named nick.  lame!

sissy tommikins sent another $500 cash!  he was so touched by My last post about him that he went to the bookstore, sucked another dick on his knees then scurried home to pay Me!  yay hurray!  How I love MY life!!  The easy, breezy glamour girl life!

$100 from mrobot .  A late fee for not getting his sentences scanned for Me in a timely manner.  $400 from the ukraine.   toiletbrush contact ME tonight.  Last night My connection was bad.  Take a few blue pills too!  fatmac My nail appointment is tomorrow.  Send funds asap!  senor doggy, you dirty Mexi!  you haven’t paid Me forever!  This is not a time for a siesta!  It’s time for a Princess Cash Fiesta! yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi!

I have had an AWESOME day!

Another $100 from fagarina in the mail.

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sissy tommikins can’t quit!

sissy tommikins can't quit!

Just totaled up how much sissy tommikins has sent in cash donations since Jan 1, 2013.  $8,700!!!  This does not include the thousands he spent on amazon.  We guesstimate he probably has done around $10,000 in cash and prizes from the beginning of the year! (Less than 2 months!)

I just got another $1,000 from tommikins!  Woohoo! That’s what I’m talking about!  This little pansy just can’t quit sending ME money!  he also swung by the adult bookstore and sucked two dicks through the glory hole!  he’s on a roll!  All you sissy freaks should strive to be more like tommikins.  he makes Me happy!

Another awesome Etsy Ring

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Need re-programming? It’s time to erase your hard-drive!

Need re-programming?  It's time to erase your hard-drive!

mrobot had a little glitch for a few months and was not answering Me when I sent command files to him!  BAD ROBOT!  I am now re-tweaking him and wiping his old files and updating his systems!  mrobot is PROGRAMMED to pay!  mrobot is PROGRAMMED to obey!  I know you are reading this mrobot. hahaha!  I got $400 from him and he is now busily writing 500 sentences to help clear his brain of the thoughts of the man he once was.  john is dead and has been replaced with mrobot!  john has been completely PURGED from your system!

gayson the quickest wank in the West just called and dropped $500 at My feet.  he blew his load as soon as I ran his card for the amount.   What a fucking LOSER! muahahahaha!

BOOTS!! Motorcycle helmets and tough chick shoes!

See that back wall used to be unfinished.  The bead-board spruced it up.  The paint is actually crazy bright yellow.for some reason it looked orangey in the photo.  Still have to put one more coat of paint on the bead-board though.  This is My laundry-room/mud room/boot closet.  Keep in mind this is just My FAVORITE boots. I have scads of shelves and closets of lesser worn boots.  you can also see some of MY motorcycle helmets and MC walky-talky stuff in the photo. There’s 2 more shelves of boots on this wall that wouldnt fit in the photo. HAHA! There is a closet in this room chock full of leather jackets, chaps, coats and boots boot boots!  All purchased by YOU fucking freaks! Tall boots, short boots, brown boots, black boots, biker boots, dress boots, hiking boots.  I heart boots!  you are so lucky to serve such a Bad Ass Bitch! Do you see a pair of boots you bought Me in the photo?  Pinch yourself, loser!

Oh I am going to need 2 small framed prints/art for this wall.   Something super bright.  Will be posting them as soon as I spend sometime perusing art websites.

Oh and don’t forget!  I still want this piece for My living room!   Get it! For some reason it calls to Me!! Or you can Paypal Me $330 so I can ship it straight to My home.  Contact ME for the size, frame and matting I want.  I need it pretty large sized.



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My boys make My life so easy!

My boys make My life so easy!

tom the turd sent $200 amazon GC for the Boho Chic bedspread and pillow shams!  It’s about time you came out of hiding and started doing your turdly duties, tom turd!  Keep it coming!

$500 from sissy tommikins!  HA!  he drove by the adult bookstore and there were a few police cruisers parked in no dick today for tommikins.  Total frownie face!

Received $100 cash from pantystain in the mail. Received $100 from fratboy slave.who is no longer a fratboy.he’s just a cheap fat boy.

The other day we went to Home Depot so fatmac quickly sent an Home Dept E-certificate to cover some of Our purchases.  After Our shopping, we went out for dinner and sent him another picture of Our tab and he quickly covered that! fatmac is so fucking under MY pretty thumb!

On another re-decorating rampage. Re-painted the laundry room and re-did a dresser in there.  Having My local boy install white bead-board wainscoting to cover up some brick in the laundry room.  Yay!  Accepting HomeDepot and Lowes gift certificates.  I know most of you have a Home Depot credit card.  Get your ass to H.D. and buy gift cards if you want to use your store credit because they won’t let you buy H.D. gift cards with H.D. credit cards for some reason.

Buy Me HomeDepot E-gift cards!

MORE ETSY GIFT CARDS!  I am so addicted to Etsy! Art, decor, jewelry, oils!

Why is the Boho Chic bedding still on My Amazon Wishlist, you skanky hoes?! fulfilled by tom the turd

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Diva Demands!

Diva Demands!

Update: got another $200 from toiletbrush!  Call again.and I’ll whisper your money away!

Update:  toiletbrush has a Viagra-dick!  Just got $300 and a big bouquet of flowers!  I plan to get more!!  Remember boys:  Viagra is your friend! Pop and shop, losers! Pop and shop!

$300 from cross-eyed slave.  he had to borrow it from his mom who put it in his account.    HAHA!

Just made toiletbrush pop 3 Viagra!  Time for some drinks to go with your little blue pills, toiletbrush.  Princess will have some fun with you!

Also I want to redo MY bedroom and guest room a bit!  Get bedding off My Amazon wishlist now!!

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