Author Archives: Princess


About Princess

Princess Sierra Financial Domination, Findom, Female Supremacy.

pigsnot you cumstained freak of nature!

pigsnot you cumstained freak of nature!

pigsnot! There’s a problem with your order!!  Get back to ME.  If they won’t let you order the first items, we will replace with other items that cost the same amount.  Plus HRC needs more gift cards at Cabella’s for mags for Her glock.  Hurry back! you have standing orders!

$420 worth of shopping by fatmac!

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Obey and pay, My lowly minions!

Obey and pay, My lowly minions!

My favorite police officer got a promotion!  We shall celebrate and you shall pay!!  Woohoo!!!

Hi dumdums!  My house guests are gone! Time to shop and send Me lots of $$$$$!  Updated My Amazon wishlist with loads of goodies!  Get your flabby, faggy, freaky, worthless asses in gear NOW!  Taking phone calls from those who send a hefty donation.  🙂  Oh yeh, who wants to pay for My romantic cabin stay this month!?  We’re thinking about doing it in about 3 weeks.  you should all be getting back your tax refunds!  Is that your check from the IRS?!  I’ll take that!

Oh I really love the shower curtain terrance bought!  Looks beautiful in My bathroom.  I sent fatmac My old black Nike Shox.  Wore the fuckers for years!   I will be making a personal shopping list for him.  I’m sure the aroma of MY blessed feet will put him in a stupor! Cha-ching!



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Still have a full house!

Update:  Etsy Stuff
Silver earrings
Edgy Silver Earrings
Teardrop earrings

Still have family over.  Sunday I will be doing calls again.
I added a bunch of shit to MY Amazon wishlist.  Get to shopping!!!  I will be adding more Etsy stuff, later.   I need more earrings!

toiletbrush bought Me this framed art.  Ok..I think MY art tirade is done.  I have replaced all the wall hangings I am bored with!  This one will also go in MY living room and will match this huge piece.


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The Gift of Art

The Gift of Art

$500 from toiletbrush.  $500 from twinkie.  $200 from toe jamjam. That  framed art that I wanted arrived today.  LOVE IT!!!  I have one more piece I want.  I’ll post it soon.

Mom’s here for a week.  I probably will be turning off MY main phone line.   I don’t need pervs ringing in the middle of the night and waking her.  If you want to spoil message ME or text if you have MY cell phone!  I will still be answering those like usual.


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I am absolutely DAZZLING!

Oh here’s anther one.  This one is off My i-touch.

$300 from toiletbrush, $500 from amsterdam ham and $100 from fatmac and  twinkie spent $250 shopping.  What have you done for Me?? Have you contributed? Have you made Me smile? Enriched My life financially? Spoiled Me, pleased Me, served ME?  If not, there is something very wrong with you!  Be ashamed, be very ashamed!  Now is the time!  Give yourself the gift of financially supporting MY life of leisure!  PAY YOUR GODDESS OF ETERNAL BEAUTY

For you gawkers.  Stalkers,  watchers, wishers and wannabees.  Fuck you.  you have FAILED.  Failed epically as a man.

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