Author Archives: Princess


About Princess

Princess Sierra Financial Domination, Findom, Female Supremacy.

Vixen’s Viagra Victim!

Vixen's Viagra Victim!

Hawk Lapis necklace from miss ludgerella from the sissy shire.

$500 from sissy tommikins. he’s going on another dick trip on Friday!  Wish him luck!

$100 from pantystain and some shopping

$500 from amsterdam ham

$170 WHBM shopping, $320 cash plus a new necklace from miss ludgerella from the sissy shire.  Tomorrow he’s gonna have another date with a couple Viagras!  Viagra always make him so obedient..such squishy sissy putty!

Quartz Earrings
Rustic Quartz Earrings miss ludgerella the sissy hobbit from the shire!

Curl Products
Curl Mart
Curl Junky Pattern Pusha slavey davey
Coffee Coco Curl Cream  This is for Me! Love this stuff! slavey davey
Tweek  Get the big one! slavey davey
Pumpkin Moisturizer slavey davey



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pigsnot report to duty!

pigsnot report to duty!

pigsnot!  I know you are on the piggy prowl again!  Time to wire Me a big ass bank transfer!  That’s what bitchboys like you were born to do!
pigsnot Here’s the 10 top reasons you should send ME a HUGE lump of cash this week.

#10. because you are a semen soaked sack of shit!
#9.  because you are a spineless little bitch boy who’s wallet belongs to US!
#8.  because I’ve seen you wearing your wife’s granny panties and Cross-your-Heart bra!
#7.  because paying ME is the only thing that cures your erectile dysfunction!
#6. because you are only allowed to sip your sissy sauce AFTER emptying your bank account on PRINCESS and HER ROYAL LEAGUE of SUPER GODDESSES!
#5.  because there is NO greater joy in life than spoiling a group of bitchy Beauties!
#4.  because after a lucrative day of sacking pigsnot, We celebrate by clicking wine glasses, counting up Our spoils, and laughing at you!!
#3. because We will kick you in your shriveled nuts if you don’t!!
#2. because BIG GIFTS of CASH get My juices running!
BECAUSE I FUCKING SAID SO, ya stupid old jizz pig!!!

slavey davey got Me the second pair of Hudson jeans I wanted!  Yay! he’s bought Me tons of goodies this week!!  Keep shopping, david–you’ve been a good boy the last few weeks!   Keep this behavior up!

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pantystain’s bonus!

pantystain's bonus!

Congrats to pantystain!  he got a bonus at work!  Just found My share in My account!  $1,500!  pantystain sent another $ $1,700 for the day.   What a good boy!  I think that earns him that crusty old New Balance shoes.  hahahaha!  Wow, I’m so generous today!

Oh My day keeps getting better!  sissy tommikins just sent $500 for My used Nike Shox!

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Get Em While They’re Hot!

Get Em While They're Hot!

Today I offer you these exquisitely worn sneakers that carried the very feet that walked all over your hearts and minds for years.

First we have a pair of size 10 Blue and White New Balance Shoes, worn-out to perfection by the Precious Peds of The Living Goddess Herself,  PRINCESS SIERRA.  These shoes were used for outdoor excursions and have the sacred earth of the Holy Land, Columbus Ohio, pressed into it’s tread.   These sneakers are the single most used and abused pair in My sneaker collection.  Dirty and dilapidated — a foot lover’s Delight!  The insole which cradled the foot that stomped your manhood and pride is well weathered by My Sacred Soles and pressed perfectly by My painted toes.  These shoes are the shoes I donned when I planned to stomp through mud and muck.  Dine on the delicious dirt of the bottom of these filthy old sneakers and dream of being forever under MY feet!
The second pair of shoes are a pair of size 10 Pink and White Nike Shox that I wore when I trained with My friend and fitness trainer.  Although not as visibly stretched and worn as the New Balance, My tantalizing tootsies sweated inside these shoes for about a year.  Many miles these shoes traveled on treadmills and stationary bikes as I sweated, squatted, grunted and lifted in efforts to further firm and tone My fabulous body.  Will this treasure be yours, freak?  On the bottom of this shoe, an extra touch..a bonus, some sort of mystery goo.
I’m not sure what it is.  Bird poop, bubble gum, clay or food? Who knows!? Perhaps your tongue can discover the secrets within!  No PRINCESS shrine is complete without a pair of Sierra Sneakers to worship!

Email Me now and bid on these shoes!   Click images to see the shoes displayed in all their glory.

$300 from mrobot, $200 from slavey davey plus 3 new dresses!

Black Leather Clarks Pump size 10
Hudson Flap Pocket Jeans  slavey davey!

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The paypal fairies sprinkle ME with $$$$!

The paypal fairies sprinkle ME with $$$$!

Update:  tommikins sent $1,000 total!  he was dying to diddle his dinky and couldn’t resist, even though he totally couldn’t afford it!  Took like 7 seconds! hahahaha!

sissy tommikins had to take a break for a few weeks and straighten himself financially after MY last wallet thumping! I rode that credit card like a regular buckaroo!!   Tonight I fleeced the fagalicous cock-fluffer sissy tommikins out of $500 .  he sucked 4 dicks in a row to celebrate!  If he sends another $500 tonight I will let him pet his pickle.  If he can’t afford it, he will just have to suffer and hold all that sissy syrup  in until he can! hahaha!
Dear Princess,
Your tommikins could not wait any longer!  The photo at the bar of You and Her Royal Copness sent me over the edge! You sent the pic to me weeks ago over time it destroyed me!  Your power, Princess!!!  I just went straight to the video store and sucked four cocks for You!  In tribute to You in addition to paypal, Princess!  I sucked three thru the gloryhole and one in the booth.  The first three were all within 15 minutes all average size and cum time  One after the other and very predictable.  Number four was orgasmic! A confident guy who strolled right in my booth, locked the door and unzipped. Awesome, muscular, raging cock. Shoved it in my face and mouth for at least another 15 minutes.  He rubbed my panties but I am saving myself for You, Princess.  The first and third cocks jerked off.  Two and four came in Your tommikins’ mouth!!!   All because I love You, Princess!

Speaking of paypal fairies!  fagarella sent $325.  What a loser.  I’m sending his loser ass out to the beauty salon to get his legs waxed and his toes painted all red and glittery.

fatmac paid for MY manicure this week and also bought HRC a great pair of boots and a leather belt from My amazon wishlist.   We just text him our demands whenever We get the urge and fatty fetches!

twinkie sent $500 and bought a few items on MY wishlist too.   Going back to enjoy My lazy sunday.



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doomed brit trapped in MY web!

doomed brit trapped in MY web!

Oh My!  It’s been a bit since I updated.  Got busy with taxes and stuff.

This weekend doomed brit dropped $300.  Yeh, the little fuck just couldn’t escape MY deadly grip around his squishy little brain!  I plan on getting MORE of his hard earned cash this week plus make him do some humiliating photos!  toiletbrush also sent $300.  toiletbrush, you owe another $300 for not buying that fat boy fairy outfit in a timely manner!

$500 from some terrance!  hahaha!  you are so fucking easy!

pigsnot’s order didn’t go through amazon so he wired us the money! Weeeee! Even better.  I will be sending Stevie Her cut!  Hey pigsnot, isn’t wiring big sums of $$$ fun!?!!  Why not have a few drinks and let’s do it again!!!  And get that Amazon account working!  We have lots of shit on Our list you need to buy!!

pantystain, those documents about the returns you sent Me weren’t saved correctly or something.  They wouldn’t open!  Fix it! done!

Well I’m kinda tired.  Had a busy weekend.  The weather was so nice!  Went out for steaks and drinks on Saturday and Sunday had a picnic and took a hike.  Going to bed early tonight!  Tata, suckers!

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The Girls Continue to Gangbang you bitchboys!

The Girls Continue to Gangbang you bitchboys!

$500 from the fat and fugalicious freak,  fagarella.  $400 from terrance.  We has been raking in some prezzies!   screwy stewy overnighted a pair of brown leather boots for The Lady Cop as well as bought Me some nice bed sheets.  fatmac overnighted a box of goodies from Express and pantystain also got a nice leather ankle holster.  pigsnot is poking around again and ordered $1400 worth of Amazon swag but is having problem with the order.  Me and Stevie are impatiently tapping our toes and plotting your demise if you don’t get our order fixed IMMEDIATELY.  you will have to buy us a penalty gift for keeping us waiting!!  your brain should be feeling like it’s gonna explode with all the bad juju and nasty vibes We are sending your way as We furiously text each other about you!  Stevie totally conjured you up, you know!!  you SOOO must longingly stare at Our wishlists daily to catch that She put that item up for you just hours earlier! hahahaha!!  What a fucking piggy-bitch-sow you are, pigsnot!  you know you are covered in man-mucous, slobbering over Our wishlists all the frickin’ time as you PRETEND to be a normal husband to your clueless wife!!  HOW PATHETIC are you!??!

mrobot activate! Download programming. …. Download complete:
Wiping old memory files.
COMMAND:  Log into paypal.
Entering erection mode.
COMMAND:  Send $300 to Princess.  ….  Stand by…
COMMAND:  Contact Me on yahoo after you have completed your programming task.

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