Author Archives: Princess


About Princess

Princess Sierra Financial Domination, Findom, Female Supremacy.

Keep your Princess happy

Keep your Princess happy

Update!  A shit-ton of prezzies arrived!

Here’s a shot of the 5 Ipad Mini’s pigsnot bought Me and MY crew!


Just got back from a very long weekend.   Ready to resume with the wallet rapings.  Had to hold MY packages for a few days, but I should be getting a shitload of boxes tomorrow (Tues).  yahooo!

pigsnot!  We added more stuff!  you’re not done shopping!!  Take out a beer! Toast your Royal Bitch Goddesses and have a big swig!!  Loose your mind in booze and piggy goo and shop like the stupid sow you are!!!

Keep hacking away at MY Amazon wishlist and the list of wishes below!




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you are MY slaves and Nothing More.

OMFG!!! pigsnot just bought 5 friggin’ Apple Ipad Mini’s!!!  One for all of Us!!!!!  hahahahhahaaha!  Fucking A!!!  he also picked up a few other items off Our Amazon wishlists!  he spent $2,827.70 today alone!!  We are all madly texting each other right now and laughing Our asses off!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Updated and re-ordered MY wishlist.  I’ve added a lot of stuff to MY Amazon Wishlist too!

Etsy tie-down picnic tablecloth for camping

North Face Fleece Jacket size L in Cosmic blue ***  Princess fan

Gap button shirt Heart Icon size Large TALL  *** Princess fan

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The Joys of being ME! Tribute to fatty.

The Joys of being ME!  Tribute to fatty.

Was gone this weekend camping.  I even tried out Our little pink fishing poles and We also saw a bald eagle.  We had a total blast!  Made minion money by camp fire! heehee.  $250 from toiletbrush, $200 from screwy stewy plus Amazon shopping from screwy stewy including a new bike and a Tempurpedic pillow!  $200 from the guy who calls himself uglyskinny nerdpantystain also committed to being MY hair color boy.  he subscribed to monthly purchases at e-salon for MY hair color.  $330 more off My friends’ wishlist from pigsnot!

RIP fatmac  — fatmac’s Memorial

Most of you know that fatmac was one of MY favorite slaves of all times.  he had served Me for many, many years.  he was there before I started the entire financial domination craze.  he was serving regularly back when I had a crappy little geocities free site and that heinous site made for ME before I knew MY way around the internet. fatty came to Me mostly interested in athletic Women, Amazons, victory poses and tough chicks who beat up guys.  he liked Women in socks and sneakers and athletic wear.    Before I met him he had a fetish for muscle chicks and fighter-type kickboxing girls.  In time, I twisted his fetishes to better suit Me.  he bought Me sneakers and boots back when I was college.  he paid My first and last rent and deposit on My first townhouse.   he was there when I bought MY first home and bought ME tons of stuff I needed to get started.  I’ve known him longer than just about anybody.   This man watched Me grow up and spoiled Me and catered to ME continually through the years.   Among his many duties, he paid for all My manicures and he never missed a payment.  Non-stop 2 times a month for about 7 years he paypal’ed ME the manicure money.  Sometimes I would send pictures of the polish bottles and let him choose the color.  The nail girl even knew I had a big fat old guy picking up the tab.  he got a home depot card, gap card, buckle card, Nordstrom cards, Macy’s card and numerous other “girl” stores so he could shop for Us.    I didn’t rape the fuck out of him..I just milked him daily like the Big Bessie cow he was.

fatmac didn’t take hiatus or disappear when he wasn’t horny.   I  let him serve My friends and sisters because it thrilled him.  All of MY friends have gotten at least one pair of sneakers or boots from fatmac.  He loved buying shoes!  he was the only slave who I gave total access to communicate with MY sister, VTG.  he texted Her almost daily.  he proofread Her college work, paid Her bills, picked up Her tabs.  When Her purse got stolen, he replaced every item and threw in extra cash.  When She got a damned flat tire, She called him!  fatmac made Her life easier.  he also spoke to Stevie by phone and text.  he never said anything pervie.  EVER.  Never talked about his dick or his need to masturbate.  Never offended Me, never disappeared.  he knew MY name, My address and more intimate parts of MY life than the average minion.   I used to joke that it was safe to give him MY home address because he would have to buy two airplane seats in order to stalk ME.

I knew fatmac would serve ME for the rest of his days..and he did.  I just thought his life would last much longer.  fatmac made ME very happy in life.  I wish more of you were like him.  Oh..why must the good die young??  Why couldn’t it be fagarella or doomed brit??   Take Princess fan or that annoying french slut instead!  Why couldn’t it be one of the countless spank-awanks, hit-n-runs, pay-n-sprays??  There are so many of you who deserved to die first.

fatmac was a good dog.

How I found out he passed was very strange.  he hadn’t texted ME for over 2 weeks.  VTG had texted him a picture wearing a bathing suit he had just bought and he hadn’t responded–so we knew something was fucking wrong!   fatmac always responds, checks in almost daily.  So My first texts to him were totally rude. “jack ass, you better be dead or something! Where the fuck are you??”  ect.ect.  But  one night I had a frickin’ weird dream.  fatmac was thinner and younger, like how he looked when I was 22.  Now don’t get ME wrong,  he was still fat!  But he wasn’t hugely obese like he was at the end.  So any way, this was one of those wack-o dreams that feel all real .  fatmac was laying propped up on MY bed all dressed in striped old man’s pajamas, like the type your grandpa used to wear in the 50’s, just sitting there with his hands folded.  he thanked me and said some other stuff which I can’t remember.   The next morning I woke up all freaked out that fatmac must be dead and his spirit visited ME or some cray cray shit!    Me and Stevie start calling hospitals in his area and lo and behold he was in ICU.  he died the following night.  🙁

I will miss fatmac.  I will miss his money and his endless supply of prezzies.  I will miss how reliable he was, respectful and good-natured.  he had VERY high respect for Women.  Worshiped them.  Loved strong Women. Powerful Women.  Smart Women.  Loved seeing them happy.  he had no interest in seeing cleavage or butt crack or pantyhose legs.   his favorite treat was a picture of Us wearing his jeans or shoes or shirt or purse that he had bought, just smiling looking happy, confident and cocky.

So, I’ve noticed that other long-time Dommes are losing slaves too.   Our long-time slaves are getting old.   I have a lot of old farts.  I am putting all you fat fucks on a diet.  No more smoking either.  I want all My useful work mules to be healthy and last a long time!  The rest of you can snort coke, drink daily, gorge on lard, sniff glue and play in traffic all you want.  My good boys are gonna to live cleaner, longer lives.  you spank-a-wanks who come and go.. you are all replaceable!  Who gives a fuck about you!?

My good boys must pick up the slack for fatmac.  Some of you are already trying and picking up a few of his responsibilities.  Good for you.   fatmac made ME happy.  you should do the same!
Here’s an old grainy picture of Me back long ago. Probably the 90’s! I’m posing in a pair of fatmac’s gargantuan pants.  (This was his skinny days.)

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Ya’ll Whip at those wallets now!


Doesn’t this look like it belongs on a Country Western album cover or something?

Mom’s visiting for a  few days so I won’t be doing humiliation phone calls for the next few nights.  My loyal minions can yahoo I.M. and text as usual.

Gap button shirt Heart Icon size Large TALL
Gap printed boyfriend shirt size Large TALL in sunburst
Gap printed boyfriend shirt size Small Petite in cherries

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Cheese, mothafuckas!


Get it up, pigsnot!!   AND SHOP SOME MORE!  Here I am posing with pigsnot’s Jawbone Up which I will be using for MY work-outs.  Me and Stevie and My trainer all have them and can monitor each other’s fitness activities.  I have to send it back for a size Medium though.  Already talked to the company and they said they said it would be an easy exchange, pigsnot.

Look at that hair!!


Who wants to buy MY next hair-color from E-salon?  I think it’s around $25.  you can sign up to pay for it automatically every month on their site or just send Me the cash every time I need another color.

More of that Cojoba hair gel.




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Shopping piglets activate!

Shopping piglets activate!

My friend is so excited by Her pigsnot loot!  She’s not accustomed to getting free shit from freaks, so She is having a real hayday.  he just got Her a Garmin GPS with voice recognition today.     pigsnot, you are such a fucking bitch! We LOVE it!!!

pigsnot’s latest wallet fuckfest
Nikon COOLPIX  Wi-Fi Digital Camera
Kindle Fire HD 7″,
Audio JAM Bluetooth Wireless Speaker
Canon SELPHY Wireless Printer
Apple TV
ASICS Shorts
Apple MacBook Pro MD103LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop (NEWEST VERSION)

$50 Etsy GC from slavey davey.

Princess fan bought Me My Hudson jeans.  There are still a few more styles I want.  The flap pocket is coming back!

Straight Leg Jeans in Lisa Blue size 31  Bolina Bootcut size 31

HRC LOVES the pants that tommikins bought Her.  Now She wants them in grey.  Dipper Pant size 4 petite Flint Grey  sissy tommikins bought these too!

Cache Stuff
Cache Top size L
Striped Sweater size L

The Ovilus III is out for ghost hunting!!  BUY IT!

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pigsnot just went on a $2,000 shopping spree for My good friend!  She’s gonna flip when the stuff starts rolling in.  he has now bought his 10th Apple computer for the BitchyBeauty Kingdom of Greedy Lesbians!  he also got Me that jawbone thingy to work out with.  We are jumping up and down in victory! Go pigsnot, Go!  Me and Stevie and HRC are sharpening our nails and updating Our shopping lists.  OUR TURNS!  I am sure he feels like a wishbone being yanked in FIVE directions!  This is what you signed up for!  Pony up, bitchboy!  Time to hit everyone’s wishlist!   Yeeeeeeeehaw buttfuckas!



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