Another Year of World Domination!

Another Year of World Domination!

Happy New Years to Princess! Well, we are having a party tonight. Nothing huge.. just a get together of about 20 women, most of them all partnered. We went out and bought a bunch champagne, liquor, party favors and hats and I’ve already hidden all the tiaras but the one I’m wearing so I’m the only one with a tiara. They’ll be all stuck with top hats and pointy party hats, I’ll be the ONLY Princess in the joint! Woot Woot!

Update: I woke up to about 2 dozen comments about the zeitgeist movie from people with varying opinions and levels of hostility, some buying into the theory, some buying into Bush’s theory. I’m going to leave them invisible because I am not really interested in having a big political discussion or listening to you guys bark your speculations on the matter on MY livejournal. I don’t know what I think about the movie either way. I just found it very intriguing. The God/ Horus/ Jesus stuff I found the most interesting and got Me the most captivated. The banker 911 stuff was more mind-boggling. It was thought provoking and gave Me something to think about. So to all of those who left your comments either supporting or berating the movie: Opinion NOT noted. Go make a donation$$!!

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